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  • Horrible times indeed. :D Oh I'm having the time of my life in university, don't you worry. hehehe :D Lots of love :hearts:
    rollerblading? LOL never heard this name before :D:D:D:D

    -10? wowowww you must be freezing :D:D poor you
    heres a *biiiiig hug * to warm you up :D:D:D

    you made the cookies at last? :D:D:D
    i want a mars sis aaaaaaaah im craving chocolate today :eek: i promised myself id buy one if i finish my reivison
    so i better go revise now :D:D
    inshallah speak soon
    love uuuuuuu
    wa salaaaam
    No, I don't go to university on Saturdays but that's because my schedule is like that this semester. During other semesters, Saturday was a normal working day so it really depends on your schedule. Friday is the only fixed day off that will never change.

    Well that's quite a good thing you sometimes like doing HW. :D I have to admit I was the same in school, but now since I've joined this wonderful very non-stressful university (sarcasm) a lot has changed. heheh :D What HW do you have? :D

    Hugs and kisses :hearts:
    Yes, that's you! :D Get bored of days off from school? Are you sick? :p Tut, tut, this is not acceptable I'm going to have to change this. :p :D haha, just kidding. :D Well I've had a ten day holiday for Eid, university starts again by the start of next week and I still haven't had enough. :( hehehe well maybe your school is fun mine is not heeheh :D :hearts:
    Asalamu alaikum, dear sister. Thought I'd stop by and say salam to the funniest sister on TTI. :D Love you. :hearts:
    hahahaha is the snow still there? :D:D:D:D:D
    its gone here, alhamdulillah, but its sooooooooo cold man!! like -5! and its windy *AAAARGHHH* :D:D:D:D
    oh wowwww, table hockey looks fun mashaAllah :D:D:D wowwwiiie :D
    well i guess ill be bad at it anyways :D me and sports aheemm .. :D:D
    love uuuuuu
    big huggs
    wa salaaaam
    aww dun make me jealous!:(:( :lol:
    bt rite nw i'd rather avoid snow any exposure to cold thingy and i start coughin like mad! :lol::(
    2moro's my exam pllllllllzzzzzzzz make dua!! thnx!
    lub ya!! mwah!
    :D:D:D whats table hockey sis?? :D i only know ''normal'' hockey but i dont see myself playin it :D
    :D oh wow mashallah junior high school how is it? :D
    i go to uni :( and i dont like it :( :D:D:D
    ooooh it snowed there too?

    here too :D:D:D ...i think that was yesterday night, because the snow disappeared in the afternoon :eek: yipiiiiiie :D:D

    im well alhamdulillah, jazaakillahu khayran how are u sweetiiiie :D:D
    yeah kinda like ur condition :lol: like i keep coughing soooooo much *cough cough* hehe:D
    Jazakallah for dua hudda!! mwah!
    aww i do love snow so much:lol:
    whats up with u? take care!

    I think I would like to be a Psychologist..... I think...

    Wow only grade 7? Still so young! My sister just entered grade 9, now in high school. And I graduated last year. This is my first year in college. Just wait until you are in high school, mainly grade 12. I found high school fun! Be sure to concentrate well in highschool, on your goals, and make sure you have all the correct courses that you need for a vet or doctor. .. I didn't know what I wanted to be, then I didn't take the right courses and ended up in college, when really, I wanted to be in university. That can't happen now until next year.

    Have you always been a muslim, or what made you come to Islam?

    May Allah guide you in all the best ways. Insha'Allah.

    lol u forgot ma name!!
    where is ma stick....someone needs to be punished with a *beat*lol
    It's ubah sis:D:D:D:D
    ubah.ubah.ubah.ubah.ubah ubah ubah ubah ubah ubah ubah ubah ubah ubah
    is it on ur brain YET???:D:D:D:D
    grade 7? :D:D:D i have no idea what grade 7 is! :D:D:D:D

    mmmmm bakin stuff :D:D oh yeah i remember! brownies! :D:D
    dangerous things? looool as?

    hmmm my hobbies...:D...i like learning (not at school :D but by myself :D), bakin, cookin, talkin :D, playin sports :D(not at of them, i like ping pong :D ), travellin, seein family :D hmmm what else...EATIng :D:D:D

    you too sis, Have a good Sunday, and a good week, and a good month, and a good year inshalah :D:D:D:D:D

    wa alaykumu salaam wa rahmatullah :D:D
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