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  • I got ur text when i woke up in the morning lol, at 6:00sh lol
    U made me waiitt..? thats wat sisters are for ryt? no sorry accepted, u dont need to apologise, pls really... its fine :)
    lOoOoOoOoOoll....haha...i didnt take it baad sis, plsman u know me better than that, i dont take these things personnel lol Alhumdulillah

    Im glad ur feeling ok now Alhumdulillah.
    i love u too sis

    pls take care of urslef pls pls
    hope ur oki today inshaAllah.


    wa alaykumu salaamu wa rahmatullahi wabaratuh

    wa anti min ahli ljaza' ya ukhti al habibah
    baarakaLlahu fiki sister for the beautiful convo today
    it was a greaaaaaaat pleasure

    wa salaamu alaykum
    Hey, Salaam 'alaykum habibtiiii, :)

    How are u my dearest? Hope ur in the BEST of health inshaAllah.
    im gona go be good to myself lol, maybe have dairy milk fruit and nut lol :D
    Its friiiday tomorrow really excited Alhumdulillah.

    waited for you till 11:00 but i had to go. :(
    SooOoOorry ukhti, inshaAllah kal baat hogii ...... missin u loads.

    Hope ur feeling ook *worried*

    pls text me if u can, i wana know how u are this evening. *very worried*
    pls let me know.

    luvya hhuunnnnn
    Take care, apna bohot bohot khyaal rakhna, pls

    *superdupergiganticsquiSshysquaSshy huggs*

    on msn.. hahahahah... good joke.. we should show sum1 our convo loOoOoOll..
    the best convo ever on the face of this earth lol :D

    yup, i know i can bug u anytime lol.. just dont hang up one me lol :D
    orsles ill be like *what just happened* loOoOoOoll.... 10 minutes later i realised u cut me off lool :D

    love u loads tooooooooooooo

    u didnt pray manzil..? Maybe u should lol.. its good to pray, try and get urslef a copy, i can get u one sister too if u want. lemme know ok? :)
    ur gona misss meeeee aaww *hug*

    not goign forever lol.. u know my breaks probably one hour or something lol.. then il be back lol :D
    yeh u have my mobby, so ring text whatever whenever inshaAllah :)

    yes pls pls pls pray for him and me n mum and everyone oh and her
    Argh! the thot mannss.. make me feel angry lol. but i wana be happy so choro, :D

    essayss lol... hahahaa
    i love reading too lol :D

    on msn my friends gona think ive gon wack lol, ur posting funni notes on my profile lol :D
    the alredy think im mad as it is lol, this will giv 'em yaqeeen lol :D

    So ur happpy tooo Alhumdulillah :
    No u wont feel ill tonight sister :)
    just keep praying... hey ur praying manzil ryt? make sure u do inshaAllah, its good to pray :)

    yeah u did a good job.... sometyms shaytaan gets the better of us.
    we think we're not doing ghunaa whereas in actual fact we are.

    im happpiii tooooooo Alhumdulillah. Whatever Allah does is for the best, and i will never ever regret it inshaAllah. and u 22 inshaAllah :)

    Think i myt be taking abreak from tti for a bit too. u know things have ben really stressful with me and at home. ydy was really baad :(
    please make du'a for my bro/ InshaAllah evfn will turn out to be well :)

    u stttayyy happi always too inshaAllah :D
    *loll. i like those huggss*

    *super duper man hugs*

    p.s. this is what u call a V.msg essay loOoOoOoll :D
    Wa'alaykum salaaaaaaaaaaamm!! :D
    Adhakallahu sinnaki aydhan :)

    haha... well spotted lol... i posted u one really..? :lol:

    mashaAlah u seem kool today :)
    be kool always lol, it suits u better mashaAllah :D

    *superman hugs*

    seeya on msn inshaAllah, got some FAB FAB FAB neewws to telll yoouuuuuu!!
    im soOoOoOoOo haappppppppppppppppppppppyyyyyyyyyyy
    Assalaam 'alaykum sister, how are u?
    sooooooooo hhaappi today Alhumdulillah lol :D

    how are uuuuuuu?? :)
    hope ur ok too. didnt see u on msn today, hope evfns ok hun

    take care
    luvya alwaaayyzz
    got some neewws to tell you :)
    wassalam Rukiiiiiiiiii

    jazakallah for dropping by :p My last exam this Friday....and then im done for a year!!! Yipeeeee!!! :D

    I just finished my last assignment rite NOW as well as well so im well happpyyy lool :)
    yehhh next week holidays inshaAllah and after that the only day i need to go school is on Wednesday's so i can relax after Friday.......although i have taraweeh to prepare for...Geeeeeee lool

    inshaAlalh talk sooon Rukiii
    allah hafiz :) :)
    hey luvya sis
    please take care inshAllah.
    Apna bohot bohot khyaal rakhnaa pls. Eat well too. No excuses tmrw pls ;)

    ill well too lol :D
    lol, make du'aa for my exam tmrw.. i aint even revised :( Thats it.. no more tti n msn. lol

    *superman hugs*
    *kiss kiss*

    yaaay AlhamduliAllah!all bc of u dear behn:D!!!!
    Ameen to ur dua:D
    ana uhibukii too ya behn:Dlol, my broken arabic!
    luv, hugs
    Allah hafiz now and always:D
    behn, u r the one who left me speechlees now!:D
    Ameen,Ameen,ameen to ur dua:D
    Allah hafiz now and always:)
    SubhanaAllah! sister I have neva thought of that! Ya rab! jazkaAllah khairan, jazakaAllah khairan for the advice! I lUV it walahi!!!!
    *you know i love praying like i don't miss prayers intentionally
    but sister this thing is making so weak i don't feel like even praying now* may Allah subhanahu wata'ala make it easy for you dear behn:) aaaww, we'll always luv eachother for Allah's sake and I will FOR SURE make dua for u always:)
    yea, alhamduliAllah fajr is easy, which means b4 it u can pray as many raka'ts as possible and ask Allah to help u!yaay! fajr is easy for me too, even if I slept late, I can neva sleep in knowing it's time for, I get scared man! anyways dear, I luv u MUCH more and inshaAllah, with the help of almighty Allah, u will be YOU again!inshaAllah
    Allah hafiz now and always dear behn:)dont worry abt not having the ability to pray, Allah is well aware of wat ur conditions are and it's ONLY HIM who can truely help u:)
    o0oh my rab! I am really sorry to hear abt today:( inshaAllah things will get better...well, sister I am doing alright today alhamduliAllah. I luv u too dear behn,
    take care as well, I am saddened to say that I have not made any duas these days:(
    I am not praying:( Idk wat else to do @ these times but inshaAllah sister I will pray for u always, there is no day that passes by without me rememring u ukhti, you are right in my heart always and I luv u loads:)
    Allah hafiz now and always:)
    JazakaAllah khairan for keeping me in ur duas:)
    can we pray fro non muslims..? That Allaah guide our brothers and sisters..?
    Yeh why not? :) We are the Ummah of the same prophet, all Allaah's slaves :)
    Assalaamu Alaikum my dear Behn:)
    hw r u doing?? it has been a long time since we talked:( inshaAllah, u r doing fine:)
    Allah hafiz now and always
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