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  • im baaaaaaaaaaaacckkkk missed u soooo much man

    *super duper hugs*
    loOoOoOll.. T-pain.. lol.. hes a singer lol
    Gee, give it away... i used to listen to music :redface:
    although i think it was t pain lol.. it was a while back lol, no worries im not going to google it :lol:

    . we'll talk in the evenin inshaAllah :)
    take care

    Wa iyyaaki
    lol, im sayin ur sweet, so just blv it T2 lol :)

    dukh stories llol.. who wdv thot 2 17 year olds wd hav so much dukh lol
    lets see what life has in store for us two sis eh? :)

    luvya much more, trus me on that. more than u can imagine sis
    lol.. checked it luvy... *hugs*

    So sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeett like you :)

    partners in crying and dukh sukh stories lol
    Wa'alaykum salaam my dearest *hugs*
    Yh i guess im ok Alhumdulillah, me hearts still healing lol
    how are you? did u get some sleep?
    i went sleep about 5:30 lol, prayed my fajr no worries ;)
    ydy was kool yeh, wdv been better if u stayed with us ;)

    missin u more
    just read ur text and i had a massive massive massive gigantic grin on my face lol, thank God i was alone in the room lol... i woke up in such a bad mood lol, but i read ur tx and.... :D :D :D lol

    take care
    I just got caught staying up, lol I'm not allowed to stay up top late I guess, I have to go to bed now :( Fi amaan Allaah Love u lots ukhtiii good night x
    almost coming out.. Dont let 'em.. u deserve to be the happiest person on earth. *hug*

    My tears... lets not go there
    Wa'Alaykum Asalaam Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatu, still awake? lol Are you allowed to stay up after 12am? Aww and may Allaah bless you always sis, InshaAllaah ur in my du'aas. Aww ukhtii fiLlaah *big hug* x :hearts: :)
    take care....? of what..? ther is nothing to take care of, i have lost everything

    had enough of life duno how much longer i can keep these fake smiles going
    Wa'alaykum asalaam wr wb. Aww sis, ur so sweet. May Allaah accept your du'aas and may He shower His Mercy upon you and your family. Your soOOOoo kind sister! MashaAllaah. May Allaah give you all the good in this life but the best in the Akheerah. May Allaah grant you jannatul-firdous. :) aww *biiiig hug* lol Fi amaan Allaah sister and good night, sleep tight, may Allaah protect you tonight :) :) :) x
    Allah removes all that pain from your heart and sadness and gives you good health my beloved ukthii Ameen
    Aameeeeenn... pls continue making du'aa for me pls pls.

    take care

    luvya lots
    sorry if im being rude/harsh/anything not nice lol

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