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  • Wa'Alaykum Asalaam Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatu. Aww ukhtii ur soo sweet and kind to me *sniff!* I love u too. May Allaah Al Wadood Love you always. InshaAllaah you are doing well. May Allaah bless you affa monni :lol: Take Care, speak to you soon InshaAllaah sis :) May Allaah help you and support you in all your affairs. Love u FiLlaah x <3 <3
    Jazakillaah for sending me the vids ukhti, may Allaah bless you always and keep you strong :) Fi amaan Allaah sis :) x Love you lots as well x
    wa'alaykum salaam
    Saaaammee no tym for tti yaar, sooooo much revision to do, been lacking so much these days so i have like tons of revision to catch up on :(
    No more msn for me lol, im getting addicted again :(
    you stayed up all night?! Whyyyyy? Watsssup? Allahu Akbar! U shd go Doc's yaar, this is not good. Dont stress too much pls.

    No apologies accepted lol, dnt be soory pls. and besides i cnt accept ur apology there is nothing to forgive *hugg*

    lol, i know the feeling when ur just dragged to go ev1 house to sit lol, good luck lol and be on ur best behaivour lol

    its ok if u cnt text me sis, no worries, but it'll be great if u cd lol

    *Super huggs*

    Wa'alaykum salaam,
    i hope we get better soon inshAllah, *hugs*
    i always make du'aa for u sis, ur the other part of literally. there is no me widwt u. im so glad i registered wd tti and got to know u seriously, we are soo alike.

    ok, we'll chat tmrw.. n what was that, did i just read, plz forgive me ?? no waaaay sis, dont be sorry, *hugs* seriously its fine.

    Teen twins lol... yeh we should... it will be this years best selling book lol
    humare dukh bhar kahani lol

    take care sis
    i hope u feel better soon *hugs*

    im not gona be online too :( until about 10sh so then.
    not feeling too well either.

    Take care
    gotta rush

    Wa'alaykum salaam :)

    lol, i already left, jus read ur msg now :redface:
    last bit our convo lol, smiling.... yeh Alhumdulillah, we'll chat on msn today, lol
    Hope inshaAllah ur smiling too inshaAllah

    You take care too
    hope ur ok inshaAllah

    May Allah take all ur pain away
    & fill r life with hapiness Ameen Aameen, Thumma ameen, and the same t you :)

    bed bugs byt...? lol :D heheheh...never lol

    luvya sis
    Take care
    jazakillaah InshaAllaah when i'm online I'll let u know. Take Care InshaAllaah sis. Fi amaan Allaah. x :)
    Rukiiii.... you are the best :D :D :D i'm sooo lucky to have a sister like you..alhamdulilah :)
    you take care as well my *big* and *sweet* sis :)
    inshaAllah we shall talk soon

    allah hafiz :D
    lol wat dus my OoOoOooO remind u of lol :D
    people giving me their comments and view on it lol.. so far *good* so wat u think ?lol
    does it bug u? lol
    loOoOoOoOoll....hahaha........ u asking to much now, lol.. tti and msn lol :D

    we are teen twins ryt? ;)
    loOoOoOoll.... inshaAllah for eveeerrrrr lol :D
    Asalaamu'alaykum. May Allaah help you sis, Jazakillaah for your kind words. InshaAllaah I'll talk to you on msn. Miss u too. Fi amaan Allaah. Take Care x :) :)
    Wa'alaykum salaam :)

    Aaww... ur missing me *huggs*
    Me too, i had a wierd dream last night lol bout me u and tasneem and ur friend from boarding school ;)
    ill tell u laters on msn maybe? :)

    Why cnt u sleep at nyt? this is not good yaar, kyun tension leti ho, evfn will be ok yaar :) *huggs*

    hope u cm online, then we'll chat properly :)
    love u sis

    Take care
    Wa'alaykum Asalaam Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatu ukhti. I am well Alhamdulillaah, how are you doing sis. InshaAllaah I need to ask you something about downloading youtube vid to our phones, I forgot the website...sorry can you tell me again please. I miss you too sis, InshaAllaah talk to you on msn :) Fi amaan Allaah ukhti FiLlaah x x
    WaAlaikum assalaam behna:D
    aaawwww! that is soo sweet of you(hugs and mwaaahs) mashaAllah, iam glad I met u too:D ya rab AlhamduliAllah for giving sisters:D inshaAllah, we'll talk more glad ur day has been brightened:D ur smile is my smile, and happiness I will always share for sisters are born to be there foreach other forever and ever:D luv u loads as well:D
    *sorry to keep you waiting forgive me* dont be sorry behna fiAllah:D it's all good:D Allah hafiz now and always:D and r in my duas:D
    take good care:D and keep on that bright smile forever for walahi Allah is there for u and all of us:D
    luuuuuuuuuuuuuv u soooooo much:D
    phew u dint take it bad lol :D

    love u too, missing me already? loOoOoll.. same :redface:
    talk tmrw inshaAllah :)

    hey i 4gt to pass on ur salaamz to tasneem, sorry, inshaAllah tmrw :)
    Take care hun

    Wassalaam :)
    why are we even talking here :confused:
    lOoOoOoll... we are probably the weirdest pair of twins ever lol.. msn hain phir bhi we prefer tti lol :D

    Seeya on msn now lol :D
    buraa lagaa...? i hope u dint take it bad inshaAllah sis, i love u always

    Take care
    Wassalaam :)
    i now it gets really hard somtyms.. u feel like a whole mountain has cum down crashing on you, but in reality, no where near. The prophet (may peace be upon him) endured so much more pain than we did, we just need to be patient inshaAllah :)

    im talking about Generally people ok.. its the generalizing 'you' lol :D
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