hehehe so fun! I miss my high school days though. It was one of the best times of my life but like you said, lots of peer pressure. If you don't conform, people think you're weird.
But I am glad to have graduated because I believe the environment isnt exactly the best when you want to be come a better muslimah. So will you be going college after that insyaAllah? :blackhijab:
I will be graduating end of next year insyaAllah! It feels like 'just a year away' but at this point, everything feels so faraway :[
Really, your friends said that? Hehehe, I wonder what attracted them to the land of kangaroos and koalas. I don't know about anything special going on here and frankly, if I can, I want to get out here
Haha do you intend to move to Australia too?
It is 8am at the moment
What about you? (I am guessing NIGHT!)