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  1. Amina 1

    Sacramento California

    Assalam Alaikum:hearts: I was wondering if any one could tell me what Sacramento California is like? My husband is talking about us moving there,are there any brothers and sisters living there that could let me know what it is like?:hearts::hearts: Also this is a very big decision for...
  2. Amina 1

    Keith Olbermann :Report on Muslim Community Center

    I thought this was an awesome report.:hearts:
  3. Amina 1

    Who I am

    :salam2: I copied this off of my friends profile I liked it so I thought I would share it here
  4. Amina 1

    What is excessive?

    Assalam Alaikum:hearts: I was just wondering if anyone could help me understand this Hadeeth, This one scares me because I am always trying to learn and practice the Islamic way of life . I am always thinking of Allah does this mean that I am being excessive?? I hope it does not what is...
  5. Amina 1

    Should I disobey my husband?

    Assalam Alaikum:hearts: I have been fasting on monday and thursday's this week I am fasting all week because tue wed and thurs are the 13th 14th and 15th. I read that if we fast these three days it is like fasting for a year? Anyway my question is that last week on thurs my husband came...
  6. Amina 1

    Quran Transliteration

    :salam2: This site has probally already been posted, but I just wanted to repost because I think it is a great site it has helped me learn.:hearts:
  7. Amina 1

    Yusuf Ali or Pickthal?

    :hearts:Assalam Alaikum :hearts: I love listening to the Quran :hearts:I was very happy to discover It has added a new level of peace to my heart when listening because it reads it in arabic (which I do not speak ) and then in english Hamdulillah :D I was wondering if...
  8. Amina 1

    Elephant painting

    Assalam Alaikum:hearts: This video made me say subpana Allah
  9. Amina 1


    Assalam Alaikum:hearts: I know this is a weird question but it is something that has bothered me. I was at the playground with my son and a group of boys were running around roughhousing and one of them saw an ant and before I could say anything started torturing it with his play car saying...
  10. Amina 1

    parrot flower

    Assalam Alaikum :hearts: I found these pictures of the parrot flower and it made me think about how great Allah is. Subhanna Allah:hearts: Thought I would share the pics here is the link:
  11. Amina 1


    Assalam Alaikum I was reminded of a riddle I know after trying to add up how many people are on a bus from a gift's post.:D This one is a little bit of a challenge hope you like it:D There is a waterlily in a pond. Every 24hrs the waterlily doubles in...
  12. Amina 1


    :salam2: Here is a link to an ACLU petition to hold accountability to the people who authorized torture:
  13. Amina 1

    Women in trouble

    :salam2: I saw this video and I want to help these women, Can we do dua's for them please:tti_sister: Does anyone know about Oxfam , I mean like if I donate will the money go where it is supposed to?
  14. Amina 1

    Spiegel Interview With Iranian President Ahmadinejad

    :salam2: Here is an interview with the Iranian president. The person interviewing him sure is trying awfully hard to make him look bad
  15. Amina 1

    Space photo that looks like a Hand. Allaho Akhbar

    Supanna Allah !! La Hawla wallah Quwata Illa billah!!! It looks like a hand.:tti_sister::tti_sister:
  16. Amina 1

    a message

    :salam2: When I first reverted in 1999 one night this came into my mind and did not go away for two days I sort got a little scared thought I was losing it. I thought it was meant for someone I knew but when I told them they said no that is for you, I decided it was for every one so...
  17. Amina 1

    Listing some of my personal problems due to my culture

    :salam2: I just wanted to post some of the personal problems I have had due to the culture I was raised in. I have a hard time not making eye contact my whole life I was taught that it was rude not to make eye contact especially when talking to someone. Shaking hands I was also...
  18. Amina 1

    Please say dua for my uncle

    Assalam Alaikum Please will everyone say a dua for my Uncle, So that inshallah he will be guided to the truth. I sent him an email with a link to this website and he said thank you and that he would read as much as he could. Inshallah maybe he will become a...
  19. Amina 1

    How should I answer my daughter

    Assalam Alaikum My ex-husband took my daughter from me when she was six. She was raised with him in Georgia I was only able to see her two to three months every year. She is twenty now and has a 6month old son and she has just found out she is pregnant again. She is very upset...
  20. Amina 1

    To the brightness that is my brothers and sisters at TTI

    :salam2: Just trying to express how I appreciate all of you.:hearts: Allah made me a flame in the darkness of my universe. I thought I shone so bright,but then I found this website in it were so many flames far brighter than I . As I stayed and listened and read all...