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  1. T

    please delete my account

    Assalamu alaikum, While I am grateful for the help that some of the members here have offered me, and I am grateful for the friends I have made, I must kindly ask for whoever is in charge to delete my account. I must admit it is the behavior of some of my brothers and sisters that is most...
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    Grandparents that died, were not Muslim...

    Assalamualikum, I have a question. My grandparents are both dead. My Grandma died from cancer in 2003 and I just lost my Grandfather on August 30th to COPD, among other complications. Neither my Grandma or Grandpa were Muslim, they were both Christian. My question is can I make dua for...
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    Question about praying

    Assalumalikum, Since I do not have access to the sisters only forum I apologize for posting this but I have a question. Is it 40 days that I must wait since I gave birth before I can pray, or is it when you are done healing? I am not sure of the rules when it comes to this, I would...
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    Baby Aadam

    Assamualikum, Baby Aadam is doing well, the doctor said he is lactose intolerant and switched him to soy formula alhamdulilah it's working well for him and the pain in his stomach has seemed to stop. Thank you all for the dua's for my son. I wanted to offer you all the chance to see him if...
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    Unwelcome....CNN documentary made me sick

    I just watched the CNN documentary called Unwelcome: The Muslims next door, and it literally made so mad I got sick to my stomach. If you haven't had the chance to view it you can watch it here: I was dumbfounded that people would try to trample the...
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    Facing a problem

    Hello, I am facing a problem in the next few months. I am pregnant with a son that is due to arrive in September. This is my third child, and my husband's fifth. Now there is almost 10 years (and more) between my husbands first two children and my three children. Everyone, including my...
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    The words we chose to use

    Assalamu aliakum, I hope every one is well. With all the hype that has been in the media lately, I urge everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim alike to choose their wording carefully. I have been reading several sources since Sunday, and the verbal attack on the blanket statement “America” or...
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    Baby names

    Please help me come up with good names (both for a girl and a boy) that is a good muslim name for a baby that goes well with the names Rasha and Sami. Thank you!!!!
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    Mother-in-law's last request

    Before my son's first birthday my mother-in-law got very ill and was hospitalized. She was very sick for a month. We went to visit her in the hospital often and took our children to see her. She has 22 grandchildren, but only my Rasha and Sami have the blonde hair, my daughter has blue eyes...
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    I am writing to ask if you will make dua for my family. We are about to be homeless. We have to move out of our apartment by Sunday, and as of today we have no where to go. I have two small children, and if worse comes to worse we will go stay with my mother in another state insha Allah, but...
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    If a muslim man is cheating on his wife, and his wife has told him over and over how much this hurts her, and he promises to stop,and doesn't stop, then can the wife leave the husband?
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    The Golden Mean Point
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    I saw this video on youtube and thought it was nice and wanted to share:
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    Waiting list at the islamic school :-(

    I have been planning on sending my daughter to the private school near my home, because it is an islamic school. Next year will be her first year in school. I occassionally go to the school's website waiting for the new documents for next school year to be posted (the application and financial...
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    The America no one sees

    I thought I would post these videos so people can look through a small window to see what it is REALLY like here in America. The America you don’t get to see So many American’s are one paycheck away from being like this.
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    The progress on the new masjid

    The new Masjid and Islamic private school is coming along nicely, and I wanted to share it with you!! Insha Allah, my children will attend this school, and I will become a teacher there as soon as I get my bachelors degree!!!:tti_sister:
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    My husbands family and Hijab....??

    I love being around my husbands family, they are very kind to me. I went to visit my sister-in-law yesterday so our children could play together, and she was telling me that her husband (my brother-in-law) refused to go anywhere with her if she did not take off her hijab, in which her response...
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    I am asking for dua for my step-daughter. She is on a bad road, in which her mother is allowing her to walk. She makes bad choices, and is preoccupied with the bad things (eg. Boys and the three letter s-word) she has been getting mean with me when I try to get her to read the Qur'an and she...
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    What is Disney exposing our children to?

    Most of us have at one point in our lives have watched a Disney movie. The music and animation would transform us into a land of wonderment as if by magic, leaving us entranced. The moral of the story and happy ending like Caribbean sunshine, would wrap us in a warm blanket of assurance that...
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    Good news!

    Although my journey has been a long one, I have finally converted and I am Muslim. I have much to learn, and I am very excited about learning it. I am very glad I did not give up when I did not understand something, and I want to thank you all for your patience and kindness towards me. The...