Do you have any Jewish friends?


Junior Member
Or at most, they would celebrate chanucah and christmas, maybe have a big dinner on Passover.

If they celebrated Christmas then they were not Jews in the religious sense...since Christmas is a Christian holiday.

Brother Moshin,
The verse you found had more to do with a spiritual rebirth on earth...I believe the term Christians use is "born again" or "saved." Nicodemus (the person conversing with Jesus pbuh)was confused because he didn't understand how someone could be born of the flesh again, he was such a literalist he didn't understand that this was to be in a spiritual sense.

Jews do not believe in a other words there is a strict speration of body and spirit. Ressurection means that our physical bodies will be reassembled and our souls placed back in them. Jews believe once the body is dead it will never be alive...the soul however is eternal. Hope this clarifies this is a distinct difference between Jews and Christians.

Jews do not believe in the New Testament, they do not believe Jesus (pbuh) was anyone particularly special...a teacher perhaps but nothing more. They believe to add to the Torah is a huge sin and therefore would never call it the "new testament"....they call it the Christian bible.



Junior Member
If i remember correctly sister sarah isnt it the belief of the orthodox jews thats once they will get there promised land again they will again be scattered and that will be for the last time. And thats why a lot of orthodox jews dont want a proper state.

I was taught that God had exiled the Jews for not obeying Him or the law. Therefore until the Messiah comes and frees the Jews that they have no rights to the "promised land." Making the state of Israel is akin to trying to force the hand of God and the religious Jews are strongly opposed since it is likey to invoke the wrath of the Almighty again.




Brother Moshin,
The verse you found had more to do with a spiritual rebirth on earth...I believe the term Christians use is "born again" or "saved." Nicodemus (the person conversing with Jesus pbuh)was confused because he didn't understand how someone could be born of the flesh again, he was such a literalist he didn't understand that this was to be in a spiritual sense.

Jews do not believe in a other words there is a strict speration of body and spirit. Ressurection means that our physical bodies will be reassembled and our souls placed back in them. Jews believe once the body is dead it will never be alive...the soul however is eternal. Hope this clarifies this is a distinct difference between Jews and Christians.

Jews do not believe in the New Testament, they do not believe Jesus (pbuh) was anyone particularly special...a teacher perhaps but nothing more. They believe to add to the Torah is a huge sin and therefore would never call it the "new testament"....they call it the Christian bible.

Jazak-Allahu khairan sister for the clarifications, I do know that Jews do not accept and acknowledge the New Testament and my intentions from quoting these verses was that Jews never believed in resurrection and that this belief prevails amongst them since that time i.e. when Isa (AS) came or even earlier than that, that is all I wanted to say by that.
(I dare say that one of the reasons that Allah SWT showed the physical ressurection to the Jews at the hands of Isa (AS) might be a sign for them to believe in it. That, for Allah SWT its not something impossible. Its just my opinion and I seek Allah's forgiveness if it isnt the case)
May Allah reward you sister


Junior Member
(I dare say that one of the reasons that Allah SWT showed the physical ressurection to the Jews at the hands of Isa (AS) might be a sign for them to believe in it. That, for Allah SWT its not something impossible. Its just my opinion and I seek Allah's forgiveness if it isnt the case)

Could you clarify what you mean by this? I thought the Quran was clear that Isa (pbuh) was never crucified and therefore never died. It was taught to me that we are told in Quran that someone was either crucified in his place....or that Allah SWT made a "false person" or a being that appeared to be Isa (pbuh) but was in fact a artificial a breathing manikin. I learned that Isa (pbuh) was taken straight to paradise and never in fact died...and he will return with the medhi. PLease correct me of I am in error. Thanks! :hijabi:



Muslim Student
Could you clarify what you mean by this? I thought the Quran was clear that Isa (pbuh) was never crucified and therefore never died. It was taught to me that we are told in Quran that someone was either crucified in his place....or that Allah SWT made a "false person" or a being that appeared to be Isa (pbuh) but was in fact a artificial a breathing manikin. I learned that Isa (pbuh) was taken straight to paradise and never in fact died...and he will return with the medhi. PLease correct me of I am in error. Thanks! :hijabi:


You are right sister, but the brother meant the miracels of Jesus (pBUH) that he showed the jew, the miracle of bringing life to dead people from the grave in allah well ... that miracle stated in Quran


Junior Member
You are right sister, but the brother meant the miracels of Jesus (pBUH) that he showed the jew, the miracle of bringing life to dead people from the grave in allah well ... that miracle stated in Quran

Ohhhhh now I understand! Thank you for clarifying that for me!



Im Proud 2 B Me!

I have a couple of jewish friends and we get along just fine.

I have alot of Jewish teachers though, and they have sooooooo much respect for me. Im actually their favorite student:SMILY105: ( im not being conceited, its the truth). They are very sweet and nice. They are always there for me when i need their help. They always advice me about college and other school related things.


New Member
Jews are cool

Although there are a lot of Muslims, Jews and Christians live in my town, it's pretty much Jewish centered so I have a couple of Jew friends. I think that in this country most people are not really that religious anyways so in all honesty it doesn't matter. I don't have any system in which I make friends, it's just all about who I click with not if they're muslim or not. A persons religious affiliation doesn't necessarily tell you a lot about the person because some people are just jewish by name and aren't religious at all, I know plenty of those. We pretty much beleive in the same things anyways, whether we follow those beleifs is another story. :SMILY209:


Junior Member

Could you clarify what you mean by this? I thought the Quran was clear that Isa (pbuh) was never crucified and therefore never died. It was taught to me that we are told in Quran that someone was either crucified in his place....or that Allah SWT made a "false person" or a being that appeared to be Isa (pbuh) but was in fact a artificial a breathing manikin. I learned that Isa (pbuh) was taken straight to paradise and never in fact died...and he will return with the medhi. PLease correct me of I am in error. Thanks! :hijabi:


salam alaykum sister sarah,

i want to clarify one point u ve mentioned in ur reply when u said that ISA peace be upon him never in fact died. i think the right word we have to say is as it is mentioned in the quran :

[3:55] Thus, GOD said, "O Jesus, I am terminating your life, raising you to Me, and ridding you of the disbelievers. I will exalt those who follow you above those who disbelieve, till the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is the ultimate destiny of all of you, then I will judge among you regarding your disputes.

so i see that u better say that allah has terminated jesus life than saying he never died.


island muslim

Junior Member
Salaam Alaiykum,

I have been following this thread for quite some time and left the questions i had to the 'reporters'.... ;) masha allah i have learnt somethings i did not know about judaism from sister shyhijabi

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
The Libararian at our school is Jewish. My sister waeras the Hijab and stuff but the Librarian likes her a lot and she's her firend kind of person.
She even helped my sister win in a poetry contest cause she wanted her too. Not all Jews are bad. Ones that are mean or try to talk junk about Muslims, those I hate.

marzuki mohamed

Junior Member
i got few question here Sis Sarah,

my ques focusing more on current situation sis.

what do you feel when you see Palestinian ppl situation at the time before

and after your convertion now ?

what do you feel when you see Jewish ppl nowdays?

in your point of view what do you thing about Muslim ummah now days?(before and after your convert)

and what do Jewish ppl(orthodox..etc) plus your own view on jihad in

Palestine to free the land?

sorry for asking all this kind of question apologize if it offended you sister as

this is my first time talking/interview :) to ex-jewish.Thanks for answering sis.


Al Jazeera.:)



:salam2: Sister Sarah
Could you clarify what you mean by this? I thought the Quran was clear that Isa (pbuh) was never crucified and therefore never died. It was taught to me that we are told in Quran that someone was either crucified in his place....or that Allah SWT made a "false person" or a being that appeared to be Isa (pbuh) but was in fact a artificial a breathing manikin. I learned that Isa (pbuh) was taken straight to paradise and never in fact died...and he will return with the medhi. PLease correct me of I am in error. Thanks! :hijabi:

I meant exactly, what brother Raed told you, Jazak-Allah brother,
You are right sister, but the brother meant the miracels of Jesus (pBUH) that he showed the jew, the miracle of bringing life to dead people from the grave in allah well ... that miracle stated in Quran



Abdellah007 You are Jew bro ???
salam alaykum sister sarah,

i want to clarify one point u ve mentioned in ur replby when u said that ISA peace be upon him never in fact died. i think the right word we have to say is as it is mentioned in the quran :

[3:55] Thus, GOD said, "O Jesus, I am terminating your life, raising you to Me, and ridding you of the disbelievers. I will exalt those who follow you above those who disbelieve, till the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is the ultimate destiny of all of you, then I will judge among you regarding your disputes.

so i see that u better say that allah has terminated jesus life than saying he never died.



Junior Member
what do you feel when you see Palestinian ppl situation at the time before
and after your convertion now ?

I feel the same way about the Palestinians as I did before conversion. I feel what is being done to them is a crime against humanity and the UN need to step up and regognize what is going on as genocide.

what do you feel when you see Jewish ppl nowdays?
Depends....most times I get along fine with other Jews....but they are not orthodox and barely understand their own religion. The Orthodox Jews aren't too keen on me so I tend to avoid them. However I did see some Hasidic Jews at the airport and felt a twinge of pain....I was missing my family.

in your point of view what do you thing about Muslim ummah now days?(before and after your convert)
I feel the Ummah is in a weakened condition right now. We need to seriously do something to strengthen our Ummah as we are scattered to the wind with way too much infighting.

and what do Jewish ppl(orthodox..etc) plus your own view on jihad in
Palestine to free the land?

Depends on what you consider jihad. I feel that suicide, no matter the reason, is wrong. More importantly suicide bombing is Haram and reflects poorly on the person's Islamic education if one participates in such an activity. I do think the Arab league of nations need to unite and threaten with a trade embargo on oil if the US does not withdraw it's political and monetary support of Israel.




:salam2: ,
I heard somewhere that Jews (as a race) have a superior IQ level, need more proofs ...... lol
what do you feel when you see Palestinian ppl situation at the time before
and after your convertion now ?
I feel the same way about the Palestinians as I did before conversion. I feel what is being done to them is a crime against humanity and the UN need to step up and regognize what is going on as genocide.

what do you feel when you see Jewish ppl nowdays?
Depends....most times I get along fine with other Jews....but they are not orthodox and barely understand their own religion. The Orthodox Jews aren't too keen on me so I tend to avoid them. However I did see some Hasidic Jews at the airport and felt a twinge of pain....I was missing my family.

in your point of view what do you thing about Muslim ummah now days?(before and after your convert)
I feel the Ummah is in a weakened condition right now. We need to seriously do something to strengthen our Ummah as we are scattered to the wind with way too much infighting.

and what do Jewish ppl(orthodox..etc) plus your own view on jihad in
Palestine to free the land?

Depends on what you consider jihad. I feel that suicide, no matter the reason, is wrong. More importantly suicide bombing is Haram and reflects poorly on the person's Islamic education if one participates in such an activity. I do think the Arab league of nations need to unite and threaten with a trade embargo on oil if the US does not withdraw it's political and monetary support of Israel.



Muslim Guy
Sister Sarah, your responses are making me smile for some reason :) I hope the Rabbis at nkusa revert to Islam too!! :D

When did you start looking into other religions, and why? What was lacking in Judaism, that you found in Islam? Sorry if you've already answered these questions, I've read the first page and this one. Salam alaikum.

And just to answer the original question. During high school, I used to hang out with a group of friends (non-Muslims), and there was part of that group who was also friends with a Jewish guy. He knew I was Muslim, and he'd stick the middle fingers up or act rude, etc (I found out he's Jewish later). We were at a mate's house one time, and he was there too, and we bought pizzas. There was only one without ham in it - and so I said I'll split that one with him, and everyone else can have all the other ones - since then, he calmed down a bit. The end.