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  • LOL!


    maybe urs maybe sum1 elses :p joking i was on ur profiel aswell hehe
    ok inshaAllah

    i ahte maths :S and b is bad

    i cried my eyes out wen i got my gcse *final exams* results LOL
    i creid n cried n cried lol
    LOL no worries, good at maths? No way Lol but i managed to get a B in final exams sumhow :S

    need help ?
    As-salaamu'alaykum :)

    I saw u on msn but u not allowed to chat to ppl so i didnt talk to you lolz :$
    do ur parents know ur on tti tho? :S
    im working ;)

    so much h/w to do lol but am on msn n tti :p gt the idea of how far am gettin on my h/w now? lol
    Walaikumu salam warahmatullah
    yea thnx for de mail
    but it didn work :(
    i guess yubb :D EID MUBARAK sis!!!
    ello wello!


    Looki looki who i cawt online :p

    Kem cho :p lol how ARE yu man, long long long tym since we urm last chatted, NOT! lol :D missin u lots wish u were here with us for eid, !


    I Love you!

    Wassalaam :D
    see ya later, alligator :p why do they say alligator for ? lol thats just crazZzii!

    Love u always, and pur-lease! dont be sorry. haha nothing to even say sorry about lol. u were curious ;)

    Wasslaam :D

    DO ur h/w lol, same for me too lol
    assalaamu alaykum sis
    kyaa haal hai
    im ok too alhamdulillah, yes ramadans almost over :( i didnt take any advantage of it sis im soo sad :(
    inshALLAH you're in my duas sis may ALLAH fulfill all your wishes and grant you happiness in duniya and akhirah
    take care my sweet sis
    love youuu
    wa salaam
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