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    Who created the Creator?

    :salam2: a_stranger, EXACTLI! well said sis. Islam liberats humans. :wasalam:
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    :salam2: it is sad that we loose so much ppl who belong to us and who are from our ummah but at least they are shuhada inshaallah. when we born we come to this world crying while everyone around us is happy. lucky is the one who is laughing after he has died while everyone around him is...
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    RE: VeryConfused: A simple explanation: NO...

    Missing prayers hi veryconfused I will not tell you any fairytales. Yes it is a sin to miss prayers. and yes it can even lead one to hell! I believe you are very honest and sincere in searching the truth but i have to confess I´m very surprised by your reasoning. you say you believe in a...
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    Who created the Creator?

    :salam2: but unfortunately there is no english translation :( one day I will also understand and speak arabic inshaallah :) :wasalam:
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    Who created the Creator?

    :salam2: If everything needs a Creator, then who or what created God? if there would not be an apple tree there would also be no apples growing on it. and if there would not be a farmer who would not sow the seeds then there would be no tree.and if the parents of the farmer would not...
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    Simple Explanation or No? Please Help!

    there are ppl who believe in God but still they ignore Him. They live their lives without thinking at Him and whorshipping Him. this ppl claim what matters is to have a good heart... whorshipping God is not necessary. but ppl like that wether love God nor do they admit His endless blessings ...
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    Simple Explanation or No? Please Help!

    hi in Islam there is no injustice! you can not know who will enter jannah (heaven) and who jahannam (hell). only God knows. in one of our transmission a prostitute is allowed to enter Jannah just becauce she was mercifull with a dog....! and another women was punished with hell bec she caused...
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    Ask an atheist anything.

    hi I have a gift 4 you! it is a book. I´m sure you will be delighted by this book. it is called "nature: cause or effect" by Said Nursi who is well known in Turkey for his rational and contemporary explanation of Islam. This book proves and explains that, "The imaginary and...
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    Ask an atheist anything.

    hi Theatheist, you explain the existing of universe through naturalism.. but when we regard the universe we will c it contains so much knowledge. if we try to imagine the universe as a whole we will be overwhelmed. the smallest parts of matter are atoms and even for them there are rules set...
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    should i tell everything to my friend?

    :salam2: I agree with IbnAdam77. As a brother/friend you should not only give positve feedback to your friend but also tell him his negative sites... it is for his betterment. if he is sensitive then speak to him accordingly! the prophet (saw) said the muslim is a mirror to the muslim...
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    :salam2: the life in this world is imperfect. that´s why there is all that suffering. it is saddening me to know what is going on in some muslim countries... I agree that we have to change ourselves first. On the one side there are muslims who are in difficulties and on the other side other...
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    Please don't judge me - my long story

    Hardships benefit the believer :salam2: again may you will find this post usefull: Hardships benefit the believer By Md Ziya Allah has decreed that, in this life, hardships and disasters strike both believers and non-believers. For a non-believer, they are inconveniences that...
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    Please don't judge me - my long story

    :salam2: bro Danyal I´m a repenter myself and i can understand you.... even if it is not for 100%. You know what we are lucky to have a brother like you in our ummah, alhamdulliah. you are strong and courages mashaalah. And Allah loves the strong believers more than the weak. my advice...
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    Written by me :P

    As salamu aleykum dilek mashaallah you are really talented. you should continu writting sis. btw "kendini arayan adam" is indeed a great book ;) really nice post. I loved the storry. looking forward to read more storries of you inshaallah. ve aleykum selam
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    "You do not have the right to live"!!??

    :salam2: exellent post. jazak Allahu ckair. it is reflcting the beauty of your soul. mashaallah sister... it is touching to c teens like you :wasalam:
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    Muslim Girl Not Allowed in School Because of Hijab

    hi neongrammarian, no you are not alike. I think you are christian....? all religions claim to be right but only one can be the true religon otherwise they would not have contradictions they would all teach the same. how can one find out which religion is the true one/from God....? the...
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    Israeli troop speak about Gaza

    whom you are speaking with....?
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    Israeli troop speak about Gaza

    We all have a standart with which we differ between right and wrong, independent from our race, colour & religion. Morals are inherently in everyone of us. But what makes us a "good guy" and act exemplarly and what makes us a "bad guy" and commit crimes? I will go on with a hadidh (not word...
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    What is your feeling by knowing.......

    :salam2: there is a sadness inside of me. cuz I feel I´m imprisoned. I just wish I could be better prepared for it but looking back at the last month I c I have done to many wrongs... :wasalam:
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    Muslim Girl Not Allowed in School Because of Hijab

    :salam2: and hi to all many ppl don´t understand the meaning of hijab for us muslims. they consider it as just a piece of cloth or even a ploitical symbol. but it is more than that! we don´t wear hijab out of fun. it is a command of Allah. the command of the one we truely believe in and...