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    life really sucks....:(

    :salam2: you are in a difficult situation sister. but do not loose hope in Allah. there is a solution 4 everything inshaallah. in Islam it is not premissible to be married involuntarily. trust in Allah and He will show you a way out inshaallah. God Answers the Prayers of His Servants when...
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    How can I help them???

    :salam2: to my mind has come a very nice storry with many lectures to be learned. even it is an old post it is worth reading: The Shaykh and the Prostitute :wasalam:
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    Message to A Terrorist

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair for your effort sister fatimabilals. Of course these ppl thinking they are fighting 4 islam are not representig us and yeah they are terrorists....! I believe they are brainwashed. impecunious youngsters with no future prospects. in the end they die but the real...
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    Time to take a break.

    :salam2: brother IbnAdam77 I hope it will be a small break inshaallah... I really like your posts, they are truelly beneficial... be sure that you will be missed... may Allah protect you and give you the best in this world and the other world. take care my dear brother :wasalam:
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    nice. sad. true.

    :salam2: avery nice nasheed about the state of our ummah. i just love it. :wasalam:
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    a little help here plz

    :salam2: don´t worry sister... will you see that sister again... I hope so.... she really have to repent... the way she talked with you was just ignorant and stupid! Well here is a nice hadith you might tell this sister about when you met her next time: "A man said: By Allah, Allah will...
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    :salam2: Subahana Rabi el´ Ali´el Ala´l Wahab :bismillah: Al hamdulillahi Rab el Alemin. es salatu as salamu ala seyidina muhameddin ve ala alihi ve sahbihi ejmain. Only You we whorship and only You we ask for help. Ya Rabbi if this brother is alive please protect him. If not...
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    Why muslim girls are married against their wishes?

    :salam2: because parents are stubborn traditonalists and the daughters are weak. may because of their young age. I know we have to obey our parents. but parents don´t have the right to make halal what Allah declared as haram or to make haram what Allah declared as halal. one have to decide...
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    5 Weeks Before Ramadan!!

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair :wasalam:
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    30 natural marvels you’ve probably never heard of

    :salam2: Subhanallah. just amazing... I mean really amazing... jazak Allahu ckair for sharring :wasalam:
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    Difference in the way of thinking

    but if you take a look at world population you will see that the muslims are the ones who are big in number and grow more and more big... there is a problem in europe concerning population.. there are more old ppl than young... and if this will not change then it is possible that may in some...
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    Difference in the way of thinking

    well who I am.... I´m a slave of God... I´m a creature... like you too and brother Ali too and everyone else too... the question is when you provide me with shelter and noorishment so that I can survive and a good job and save my life... would you expect a "thank you" nothing else but just...
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    i dont feel pretty in a hijab

    :salam2: I have also a problem... :) with hijab I feel I look ugly and without... well even more, I´m just kidding when I was a teen the other kids in the class always made fun of my look I´m turkish and looked diffrent then them...and they gave me the feeling I´m unpretty...
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    Dua for success

    :salam2: My advice is when you are affraid: salah, when you are happy: salah, when you are sad: salah, when you are angry:salah, when you are in trouble: salah, when you are in need of patience: salah just do some extra prayers may 2 rakas may 4 as you wish... and prepare as good as you...
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    Before pointing finger on others.....

    :salam2: Jazak Allahu ckair my dear brother IbnAdam for this great post. it is a strong reminder and you are soooo right with everything you´ve said. I hope many will read it and benefit from it inshaallah and inshaallah I will also take my lesson from that... :wasalam:
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    Dua for success

    :salam2: I also want that dua.... pleeaaaase. oh and wish you all the best sohrabkhan. Inshaallah ckair :) :wasalam:
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    Difference in the way of thinking

    septithol, the example with the hijab was not a good one...! how can you compare that with insulting someone directly ... when I wear hijab there is no verbal attack towards anyone with that... the intention with wearing it is to please Allah.... not to insult... and when one feels hurt by...
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    Difference in the way of thinking

    Hi septithol, first of all I´m sorry. I didn´t know you are a christian. I assumed you are an atheist. I just tried to explain that the things you don´t consider as "bad" are sins for me... cuz I´m a muslim. and they will also be punished (if Allah does not forgive them!) also when they...
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    Difference in the way of thinking

    Hi septithol, If I would ask you about the diffrence between a muslim and a non-muslim you would maybe answer that the muslims have diffrent customs and are dissenting. But if you would ask me I would say the muslim is the one who has comprehend the truth: Islam! and live theri life according...
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    Difference in the way of thinking

    but what if the "good guys" (those who belong to category 1) turn to "bad guys"............: