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  1. H

    Isthikhara Prayer

    :salam2: I have a number of questions on this topic: 1) Is isthikhara an innovation? 2) How does one read isthikhara? 3) How does one distinguish between actual signs and overactive imagination? Thank you
  2. H

    Feel awful

    :salam2: So... after a very long job search I found a job. It would be the perfect job if it didn't require a 2 hour commute every day. I can't drive so my parents would need to give me a lift to the train station every morning at 6.45. Understandably, they are not too happy about this and so...
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    Stressed, jobless and lonley...

    :SMILY23: That is all.
  4. H

    Thanks everyone!

    :salam2: Just found out I'm graduating! Feel so grateful to Allah swt for guiding me through everything. Thanks to all the TTI members who have supported me, comforted me when I was upset and motivated me when I was drowning in self-pity. Thanks everyone from the bottom of my heart! *!*!*!
  5. H

    Advise yourselves!!

    :salam2: Whether reverts or raised as Muslim, each of us has been on a journey of emaan. Sometimes, there are ups and downs, sometimes there are highs and lows. Sometimes life gets tough. What advice would you give to your younger self if you could? If you were just starting out life's journey?
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    How do you do it?

    :salam2: How do you maintain your level of imaan? I remember the times when I would get tearful at the thought of missing a prayer, yet now I don't give it a second thought. I find it so difficult to have that same motivation, the same drive to please Allah swt, as I did a few years ago...
  7. H

    Dua Help please?

    :salam2: Eek! My driving test is soon and I really, really do not want to fail it! I need to pass it as I can't afford to continue taking lessons. But I am so worried because I have no natural aptitude for driving whatsoever, unlike many of you lucky brothers lol. Please everyone, make duas...
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    Temporarily Removing HIJAB for marriage purposes

    :salam2: After a recent disussion regarding etiquette before marriage, I was surprised to learn that some individuals believe that a girl can remove her hijab in the final decision making stages. i.e. before the male says yes to marriage, the female briefly removes her scarf?? Apparently...
  9. H

    Praying on wedding day?

    :salam2: So.... it's summer and therefore wedding galore! I was just curious as to how the bride/groom read namaaz on the wedding day, its usually hectic! Any of you brothers sneak out during the day or was it just impossible? Any sisters take off your entire outfit (and makeup?) to read...
  10. H

    Shia/ Sunni Distinction in Practice

    :salam2: As Muslims, we all know we're not supposed to seperate ourselves into sects.But having recently spoken to a Shia friend, I am confused about the following issues, any thoughts please? 1) some Shia believe that combining the five prayers into three is acceptable (they read all...
  11. H

    Life as a girl...

    :salam2: everyone knows girls can be... well not very nice sometimes. Laila, Rose and Hannah did their coursework (fundamental to their degrees) but hid it from Zara and Flick, their close friends. Zara and Flick were habitually lazy and requested help from the other three consistantly so...
  12. H

    What is my religious identitiy?

    :salam2: as the title reads...
  13. H

    Please - dua's required

    :salam2: Its that time of the year again when I bug you all to do dua's for me, if you don't mind lol? Once again, I seem to have left my coursework too late and am now frantically trying to catch up. Due in tomorrow, so I would really apprecaite dua's - Insha'Allah I'll complete my...
  14. H

    URGENT! correct Qu'ranic recitation

    :salam2: I have just discovered a horrifying discrepency between the way in which I read the Holy Quran (taught by a Pakistani teacher) and the way in which a friend reads it (taught by an Iraqi). This is an example: Surah Ikhlaas: wa lam yakul-la-hû kufu-wan ahad (how i read it) wa...
  15. H

    Speed Reading?

    :salam2: Arabic is not my first, or even second language, so when reciting the Holy Qur'an, I can be fairly slow. In my culture, however, there is a lot of emphasis on reading it fast, especially when reciting in gatherings such as khatams etc. Whilst reading fluently makes it sound...
  16. H

    I'm upset!

    :salam2: I feel really depressed. Ever since I was little, my mother has taught me the importance of progressing to a high standard academically. I was also told that I would have her support in any career I chose (within reason). So, anyway, fast forward ten years and I decided to undertake...
  17. H

    Advice Appreciated

    :salam2: Do you think its better for a female to improve her personality generally (i.e. stop backbiting, be patient & humble) before doing hijab? This way she won;t represent Islam badly. Or do you think it is something which occurs naturally after someone does hijab? So confused.
  18. H

    Social Politics... ugh!

    :salam2: As the title suggests, I am fed up of silly women/girls playing immature social games. The situation is this: I am acquainted with a girl who is a mirza/ummaydth (i.e. someone who believes that the Final Prophet (PBUH) is not, er, the final prophet). We talk, but it’s uncomfortable...
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    :salam2: THE FACTS: I am a non-hijabi who has been considering doing hijab for 2 years, but I'm unable to come to a decision. I wear Western dress (jeans, tops), often with half sleeves in summer. If I do wear the hijab, I want it to be for the right reasons and in the right way - none of...
  20. H

    UK: Lawyers?

    :salam2: Just wondering if there were any British lawyers or law sudents who could help me out with something?... I need to find an article in reference to Public Law. But I have no idea what Public Law actually entails. Can someone PLEASE PLEASE explain what the term actually means?