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  1. Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

    Ramblings of a revert struggling to return to Islam.

    CHAPTER 1: Darkness before dawn. I can't possibly keep going on like this. It's unbearable... Knowing the truth, what is better for me, and acting against it simply isn't sustainable. Back when my lifestyle reflected Islam, I didn't go through every moment of each hour across months at...
  2. Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

    How does someone return to Islam?

    :salam2: Thank you kindly for any insight.
  3. Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

    University in the East?

    Asalaamu alaikum, Over the past months I've been very interested in going back to university and taking my professional life to higher levels. I'd very much like to be in the Middle East, but I'm not sure where to go so I'd like to ask you all for some feedback, inshaAllah. =) I'm...
  4. Ahmed ibn Ibrahim


    Asalaamu alaikum, InshaAllah this finds you in good health and strong eman. =) It's been a long time since I was active on TTI, and to be honest with you it's been a major loss. Between the friendships I was making, all of the encouragement, the outstanding commitment and learning of Islam that...
  5. Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

    Saudi Arabia's new approach to "Jihadis"

    :salam2: Not so fast, Mr. Jihadi, have you ever considered taking out your frustration through art? Saudi's new approach to deterring misguided suicide-bombers and wouldbe terrorists/freedom-fighters through learning more about Islam as well as therapy. Check out this CBC report. =) :wasalam:
  6. Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

    Student President =D

    Asalaamu alaikum, InshaAllah you are all in the best health and emaan. I'm bursting with joy and just have to share with you guys that I just got officially elected as my college's student government President, responsible for overseeing our council, keeping us organised and focused, and...
  7. Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

    Anti-War Protests

    Asalaamu-Alaikum, respected brothers and sisters, As many of you know, this last weekend was the 6th anniversary of the Afghan war. As I later found out on the news, Anti-War Protests were staged all across North America in an effort to voice disapproval of the use of warfare to solve a...
  8. Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

    Universe "growing dimmer" (!?)

    Supernovas losing 'wattage,' say astronomers Last Updated: Thursday, October 4, 2007 | 10:24 AM ET CBC News Astronomers who use exploding stars as a kind of super lantern to study dark energy say the stars' light is growing dimmer. University of Toronto astronomers announced Wednesday...
  9. Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

    Wedding rings for men?

    :salam2: I searched through all of the threads with "ring" in them, but was unable to find a relavent post. I know that gold is forbidden for men, but what about wedding bands in general? What finger should the band be on? I'm looking at getting a fine titanium one as I lost my original...
  10. Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

    /ArrestUS Citizen/Student Tazereded for asking a question.

    :salam2: Last monday at the University of Florida, a political forum was held for the attending students with a special guest speaker, Sen. John Kerry. After nearly two hours of Kerry's lecture, it came time for students to respond with questions/comments regarding the situation of politics...
  11. Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

    Canada should not abandon Afghans, PM says in Australia

    Canada should not abandon Afghans, PM says in Australia Last Updated: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 | 8:31 AM ET CBC News Rather than set an arbitrary timeline to pull its troops out of Afghanistan, Canada should see the mission through until the Afghan people are able to stand alone and...
  12. Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

    Fiqh Council of North America RE: RAMADAN

    :salam2: I recieved the following message in my email this morning, and InshaAllah you will it helpful. :wasalam: Assalamo Alaikom, The Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA) has issued a statement >revising its decision about the start of lunar months "including Ramadan"; The MCE finds...
  13. Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

    US Army Officer refuses to go to Iraq...

    First Lt. Ehren Watada, a 28-year-old Hawaii native, is the first commissioned officer in the U.S. to publicly refuse deployment to Iraq. He announced last June his decision not to deploy on the grounds the war is illegal. Lt. Watada was based at Fort Lewis, Washington, with the Army's 3rd...
  14. Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

    Nasheed request: "The Veil"

    Assalamu Alaikum - Happy Eid, brothers and sisters =) I'm looking for a particular mp3, the song featured in "The Veil" YouTube video. Please someone share it with me so that I can share it with others =) I thank you kindly, in advance. :wasalam:
  15. Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

    why there is no thread about the pope visit

    asalam allaikum brothers and sisters What do u all think of the pope Benedictus's XVI visit to Turkey; did he really mean to make peace with the prophet Muhammad (PEACE BE UPON HIM), OR Islam..? Were his guestures convincing? Should we Muslims think of Benny in better light now, after all...
  16. Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

    Isreal consolidating its political power? President accused of rape

    Rape charge recommended for Israeli president POSTED: 6:42 p.m. EDT, October 15, 2006 JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Police in Israel are recommending that the country's president be charged with rape and other crimes against several women, a police announcement said. Police issued a statement...
  17. Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

    Which Gospel is accepted by Islam?

    Assalamu Alaikum, I have a question regarding Islam's view on the New Testament (Gospel): I've heard many people at my Mosque say words to the effect of 'Only one Gospel is valid, there aren't four Gospels'. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John are the four core Gospels given in the New Testament, and...
  18. Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

    "Al Qaida In Palestine" says Isreal & World Media

    Alright people ... we're in trouble now. =( As of 10 minutes ago, the signal has been sent around the globe stating that Al Qaida is opperating in Palestine/Isreal. I don't even know what to say anymore. No doubt later today we'll here more lies/rhetoric from Bush. The Isrealis must be...
  19. Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

    Islam vs. Video Games ?

    Assalamu Alaikum my dear respected brothers and sisters, Okay, my turn to humbly ask for some thoughts, advice, and Islamic knowledge regarding an issue that is important to me and how I've lived my life for the past 10 or so years. When I became a Muslim I immediately stopped many things...
  20. Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

    Iran President Ahmadinejad's UN speech

    United Nations, New York, Sept 17 2005, IRNA Iran-UN-President Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Saturday offered proposal on nuclear program. The following is full text of President Ahmadinejad before the Sixtieth Session of the United Nations General Assembly: "In the Name of...