What do you think of wearing the niqab??


New Member
Assalamu ailakum dear brothers and sisters,

There was a recent story in the county newspaper about a 12 year old girl who had been requested not to wear the niqab to school. Subsequently her family were going to take the school to court-the cost to the school of that and paying for the girls home tutoring during this time was going to cos them 500, 000 pounds. The school couldn't afford this.
A community of muslims in Oxford heard about this an began raising money to support the school to fight in court because they felt that the niqab was a barbaric and cultural practise and not one rooted in Islam........ and futhermore it oppressed women and adding to giving Islam a bad name.

I am not trying to support either viewpoint, I was just wondering what you guys and girls felt about the wearing of a niqab in 'western' countries.

Does it oppress women?
Is is segregation between us and them
Is it our right of even our duty as muslim women to encourage young muslim woman to wear niqab???

I'd love to hear your views


Junior Member
Assalamoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh dear sister Laura,

Subhanallah, walhamdullilah, walailaha ila lah, wallahu akbar.

I don't always believe the newspaper.

Niqaab is not barbaric and also not a cultural practise. Niqaab is rooted in islam. But there are two opinions of scholars.

Opinion 1: It's obligatory for woman to wear a Niqaab
Opinion 2: It's not obligatory, but it's preferred

My recommendation is:" It's the right for the woman to wear the niqaab if she want. If a woman don't want to wear the niqaab, it's not allowed to oppress her to wear the Niqaab"

I hope you understand my point---> The choice is to the muslima for wearing the niqaab or not wearing the niqaab. It's between her and her Creator.

They always say: We are the land of the democracy and we give the right to people to wear what they want. We give the right to people to practise their religion.

The people who say this and oppress woman because they want to wear the niqaab are........................... ( you have the right to fill in the dots)

If it's true this muslims have said this and want really to support the school, i ask Allah subhanahu wat3ala to protect us from Jahl ( ignorance )

Take care sister Laura

wassalmoalikoem warahmatullahi wabaraktuh,



Mualaikum salam warahmatullah

Does it oppress women?
of course not, it is what u think that matters , not others.

Is is segregation between us and them

Maybe people feel a bit scared to talk to niqabees...
But it would be better if u get the answer frm those who wear niqab

Is it our right of even our duty as muslim women to encourage young muslim woman to wear niqab???

I think bro Imad give a good point on this ..


Junior Member
Assalamu aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
My opinion about oppression is individual,I mean even some sisters,being muslim are scared of niqab,I don`t know why,may be because most of niqabs are of black colour,but it foolish of course...

Any hadeeth or information pertaining to the Prophet PBUH should be accompanied by its source to determine its authenticity......

That means that niqaab is better for women.Some people say that niqab is obligatory only for those who are beautiful,pretty.....that`s ridiculous!
As for me I`d loooove to wear niqab,but unfortunately nor my situation nor my parents will allow and suport me



W-Salam Sister,

I don't know!

Never really given much thought to wearing Niqaab.:SMILY259:

Assalamu ailakum dear brothers and sisters,

There was a recent story in the county newspaper about a 12 year old girl who had been requested not to wear the niqab to school. Subsequently her family were going to take the school to court-the cost to the school of that and paying for the girls home tutoring during this time was going to cos them 500, 000 pounds. The school couldn't afford this.
A community of muslims in Oxford heard about this an began raising money to support the school to fight in court because they felt that the niqab was a barbaric and cultural practise and not one rooted in Islam........ and futhermore it oppressed women and adding to giving Islam a bad name.

I am not trying to support either viewpoint, I was just wondering what you guys and girls felt about the wearing of a niqab in 'western' countries.

Does it oppress women?
Is is segregation between us and them
Is it our right of even our duty as muslim women to encourage young muslim woman to wear niqab???

I'd love to hear your views


Long Live Palestine

"Opression" is the most stupid and narrow-minded and imprudent word u ever hear from those who criticize Hijab or Niqab. They seem to think that Muslim women get beaten up every morning to go out wearing Niqab or Hijab. This is Islamophobic.

My sister wears niqab and lives in Canada and once a "free" and "unopressed" woman stopped my sister in the street and offered to help her thinking that my sister feels oppressed and doesn't know any human rights or feminist organization to complain to. The woman said "I can help you become free." My sister was so shocked and angry and replied "I am wear this because I decide to". Not to mention those who intimidate her in malls, "there is nothing to hide."

That's just sick..

muslima 2

New Member
Salam Alaikom,
I wear Niqab and love the freedom it gives me. I love the black the most although you can get in brown, navy blue and green. Some sisters, that I have seen wear Niqab with an abuyyah that has lots of shiney beads and sequins on them.

I live in a Muslim country and my friend's(christian married to a Muslim) friends have come to visit her. When I was introduced to them, they looked quite horrifed! The atmosphere was very strained while I was sitting there. It made me realize just how difficult it must be to live in Western Country. Alhumdillah how fortunate I am that I live here.


Staff member
Salam Alaikom,
I wear Niqab and love the freedom it gives me. I love the black the most although you can get in brown, navy blue and green. Some sisters, that I have seen wear Niqab with an abuyyah that has lots of shiney beads and sequins on them.

I live in a Muslim country and my friend's(christian married to a Muslim) friends have come to visit her. When I was introduced to them, they looked quite horrifed! The atmosphere was very strained while I was sitting there. It made me realize just how difficult it must be to live in Western Country. Alhumdillah how fortunate I am that I live here.

oppression and western women go excellently together in the same sentence :D. theyre attitudes are sickening like abdallahbilal said.

i tried it once just to experience what it would be like although i dont wear it (yet). and tbh people seemed scared even though i spoke normal english without accent and stuff. also people tend to properly avoid u in the shopping centres, they acted as though u have some sort of contageous illness, but in fact i preferred it despite the strained atmospheres on the bus and stuff. it was very empowering, one dude actually let me go through the escalators first and then said 'sorry i thought u were a nun for a moment!' (i wasnt happy but at least he made the effort to show some respect :)) but inshallah one day itll be a full time and not just a daytrip niqab.

and yes maybe it is a form of segregation but that doesnt matter cos were different anyway. alhamdulillah.

so i think wearing a niqab is just the next step if u wear a hijab already. I pray Allah make all sisters strong enough to wear the niqab and may Allah curse those who make it difficult for them.



Islam is my life
Staff member
Assalamu aleikum
I don't want to offend anybody,but i think wearing nijab is too extreme .May be in thee muslim country its ok,but imagine if u put it in US ,people will not understand it.I think we should be tolerant with everybody.We should represent our religion in the best way possible,in the peacefull way.And I think nijab represents the extrimism if u put it in 10 year old child,I'm sorry to say that,as I said its just my own opinion and I don't want to offend anybody..
salam to all


Staff member
Assalamu aleikum
i think wearing nijab is too extreme .
if a sister wants to cover herself a step further than hijab, why is that extreme...its only an extra half of the face after all.
May be in thee muslim country its ok,but imagine if u put it in US ,people will not understand it.
i think our job is to make them understand it inshallah
I think we should be tolerant with everybody.
niqab doesnt prevent tolerance of anybody else, in fact it makes u more tolerant of other minorities in society.
We should represent our religion in the best way possible,in the peacefull way.
wearing a niqab doesnt mean u have a AK47 stashed underneath the abayah! thats media influence again.
And I think nijab represents the extrimism if u put it in 10 year old child,
on a 10 yr old?! no theres no need for that i agree.
I'm sorry to say that,as I said its just my own opinion and I don't want to offend anybody..
nope no offence ure opinion is an interesting one :)



Junior Member

I dont have nay problem with niqab, if people want to wear t, they should do it properly inshallah (dont do tight jeans and niqab - doesn't really go)
However I do have my concerns............. I feel it is important to show the world that we are educated and un opressed. Fpr example when going to the city centre I feel it is more important than ever to be the best example of a muslima.

With regard to the whole school thing. I can understand the view of the school. When you are not used to talking to niqabi's understanding facial expressions by just seeing the eyes can be quite difficult, however the student could make it clear that she understands or does not understand the work.

Niqab would also have safety health and safety implications. In the science lab, we are mean to tuck in our ties and tie back our hair etc. Niqabs can easlily set on fire or get in the way and im not sure i wold be comfortable watching a niqabi leaning over a bunsen burner!!!!!

Different places have different rules, in one school teachers may be able to have a cup of tea on the desk and in another there may be no eating or drinking in the class room, its the similar deal with the pupils. If you dont like something in life you move to something better. I dont think its fair to waste the countries money on fighting a case through court when it may just be as easy to just switch to a girls school or a school that has a policy of allowing niqab.

I also feel that it is not proper for one to go and claim benefits /legal aid and then complain about the country you live in. Alhamdulillah we have alot of perks here and some things we just have to put up with. If I didn't like the system I would consider moving to a different place where the system suited me better.




Junior Member
Assalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

Please brothers and sisters you are muslims. You have the right to say what you want, but a muslim is a muslim. The opinion of a muslim is based on clear knowledge. This knowledge is Quraan and sunna.

I will give you some Question, please think about this Questions deeply.

1) Are the wives of our prophet extrimists?
2) Are the sahabiaat extrimists?

They wore the niqaab. If you think they are extrimist, please i want to know why you think they are extrimists?

If you think they didn't wore the niqaab, please i want your evidences. I can provide you with enough evidences about what i have said.

My opinion is not based on he say, they say so i think.............You are a muslim so please come with your evidence.

Take care

Wassalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,



Staff member

I dont have nay problem with niqab, if people want to wear t, they should do it properly inshallah (dont do tight jeans and niqab - doesn't really go)
However I do have my concerns............. I feel it is important to show the world that we are educated and un opressed. Fpr example when going to the city centre I feel it is more important than ever to be the best example of a muslima.
it is important to give the right impression, but that doesnt mean we appease the views of ignorant people who do nothing but slob around their TV screens swallowing the propaganda, why cant i show that i am 'educated and unopressed' with a niqab on. frankly i have no time for people who refuse to use their intellects when dealing with the media. if i can change someones view of niqaabis by acting appropritaely with a niqab then thats great. i dont think we should be changing the way we dress or potential niqaabis compromising the principle in fear of people viewing them negatively it the views that need to change not the muslims.

Niqab would also have safety health and safety implications. In the science lab, we are mean to tuck in our ties and tie back our hair etc. Niqabs can easlily set on fire or get in the way and im not sure i wold be comfortable watching a niqabi leaning over a bunsen burner!!!!!
frankly, i wouldnt feel safe in the science labs niqab or no niqab! and also what about all the nasty fumes, i almost choked on PCL5 today and a niqab wouldve helped! (ventilation mask in addition to fume cupboards :D :D)

I also feel that it is not proper for one to go and claim benefits /legal aid and then complain about the country you live in. Alhamdulillah we have alot of perks here and some things we just have to put up with. If I didn't like the system I would consider moving to a different place where the system suited me better.
why should a muslim sister be made to feel so bad as to leave the country, i agree with the idea of leaving but somehow it feels wrong that just an extra small bit of cloth around the face can cause so much hassle, its no big deal really its propaganda and in any situation and on any level of society propaganda, and the prejudice that comes form it needs to be countered not ignored and passively passed by.

as long as i know the wives of prophet mohammed(saw) had worn always niqab and whatever they do was not related with cultur.may be arabic culture is related with islamic system but islam is not related with arabic culture.

and to wear niqab in europe?

astagfirullah my iman is also weak in this topic.

for me as a boy to have beard or to follow the islamic dress code is easy but to wear niqab is really tough.
if i were a woman i would wear niqab but i can feel what the europiens feel whenever they see a woman with niqab.
so they should compromise them selves for their feelings in this topic not we


Junior Member
it is important to give the right impression, but that doesnt mean we appease the views of ignorant people who do nothing but slob around their TV screens swallowing the propaganda, why cant i show that i am 'educated and unopressed' with a niqab on. frankly i have no time for people who refuse to use their intellects when dealing with the media. if i can change someones view of niqaabis by acting appropritaely with a niqab then thats great. i dont think we should be changing the way we dress or potential niqaabis compromising the principle in fear of people viewing them negatively it the views that need to change not the muslims.

frankly, i wouldnt feel safe in the science labs niqab or no niqab! and also what about all the nasty fumes, i almost choked on PCL5 today and a niqab wouldve helped! (ventilation mask in addition to fume cupboards :D :D)

why should a muslim sister be made to feel so bad as to leave the country, i agree with the idea of leaving but somehow it feels wrong that just an extra small bit of cloth around the face can cause so much hassle, its no big deal really its propaganda and in any situation and on any level of society propaganda, and the prejudice that comes form it needs to be countered not ignored and passively passed by.


I never said take your niqabs off......I wear one toooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! (when im not at work - labs and niqab=disaster!!!!) I'm just appalled at some sisters who I have noted in the city centre who seem to not even say to the shop assistant "good morning" or who let the door go when theres an old person wanting to go through behind.

I never said that sisters should feel so uncomfortable they should leave, but what I do object to is when people claim so much moeny off the government, then used thousands in legal aid to sue the pants off a school for not allowing their 12 year old kid to wear niqab.
If you want rights, get up, work for them (does not mean get a job, it means give dawah), then be happy that you have got the rights and money you diserve, not because you can and rip all the other hard working people off in
the process!!




being content
Assalamualaikum all. I'll give my views as well although I know it doesn't really matter. One thing I've learnt is that people hardly ever change thier opinions. Any way I don't have a problem with women who choose to wear niqab and I don't think any one else should either. Muslim women should have the right to choose to wear the veil just as non muslim women have the right to not wear one.

However taking a school to court for not allowing a 12 year old pupil is probably pushing it too much. I think I have to agree with amyaishazouaoui on this point that you shouldn't waste public money on such issues. After all this is a non muslim country. If u are so keen on the niqab at that age in school then why don't u take her to a girls only school. This only serves to alienate us more and makes Daawah only harder. U can't have ur cake and eat it too. May Allah guide us all to the right path.


Umm Zubayr

Wearing niqaab is a personal choice, it is not extreme, subhanallah, and each mulima who wears it, alhamdoulilah is seeking God's pleasure.

I used to think it was extreme and i hated the idea of hiding one's face, but see today i wear niqab, alhamdoulilah, and i am loving it.

May Allah help all of those sisters who are wearing it for the right cause, inshallah.


Junior Member
Assalamualaikum all. I'll give my views as well although I know it doesn't really matter. One thing I've learnt is that people hardly ever change thier opinions. Any way I don't have a problem with women who choose to wear niqab and I don't think any one else should either. Muslim women should have the right to choose to wear the veil just as non muslim women have the right to not wear one.

However taking a school to court for not allowing a 12 year old pupil is probably pushing it too much. I think I have to agree with amyaishazouaoui on this point that you shouldn't waste public money on such issues. After all this is a non muslim country. If u are so keen on the niqab at that age in school then why don't u take her to a girls only school. This only serves to alienate us more and makes Daawah only harder. U can't have ur cake and eat it too. May Allah guide us all to the right path.

diolch yn fawr!!


Junior Member
:salam2: :blackhijab:
Alhamdulillah,Iwore niqab more than 10years ago ,Iwas not forced or oppressed ,that was my own decision.Sometimes I face bad situation ,jokes or having fun on me,but for the sake of Allah I'm ready to bear anything .I try to be good examble for the practising muslim woman, I forgot to say that I have a university degree in Accountancy [no contradiction]
Dear sisters and brothers the matter is so easy. the wives of the Prophet(PBUH) used to wear niqab and none can say they were extremist.
May Allah enable us all to be better Muslims:blackhijab: