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  • aaaww sister.....I am super happy to knw u smiled, my words onli seem kind and sweet to u coz ur heart and eyes sees 'em that way...Allah bless u dear sister!!:D
    aaaam, AlhamduliAllah iam goood, sister I am active again coz we had a labor day weekend this I had three days off to make a wild come back LOL
    ramdhan is such a blessing sis, tho i am mostly at school, but I read as much as I can AlhamduliAllah, and I am trying ma best, and I hope and pray that my best pleases the almighty creator Allah ta'ala
    I cannot thank Him enough sis!! I cannot!!
    may HE accept me as His servant and may He bless me to meeet all my beloved in jannah Al-firdousal Ala'ala and sister, that def included your wonderful soul!!
    may Allah bless u abandantly:D
    and iam gunna be off soon again....for college is on session again tmrw:D
    but I'll drop by inshaAllah:D
    Assalamu Alaikum sis ASJa :D:D:D
    hw are u? jst seeen u online and I thot, why not salaam her:D:D:D:D
    hope u r good my poetic sswwweeettt sis:D
    waalikumassalam dear sis ,
    im doing great alhamdulilah , its so great being able to fast in this beautiful month of ramdan , sometimes i get sad think of the days which are non ramdan , but then it'll be back next year and i pray all of us get to fast next ramdan also ameen , how ru , i hope ur doing great too inshallah and take care of ur self sis , keep smiling :)
    Asalamalikum sister
    hope u r finr........n hows id ur going ramadan?....long time no talk
    As salamu aleykum Asja,

    I don´t know why but I was thinking at you today..? How are you doing sister...? i hope well inshaallah tc

    ve aleykum selam
    As-salaamu'alaykum huni

    how is ramadhan going? :)
    hope its well and so are u n ur family inshaAllah :D

    make dua for me n my family Lol

    take care love u x x x
    wassalaam :D

    May Allah swt be with you every step that you take,
    May HE guide you with each decision you make,
    May HE help you when life gets rough,
    May HE lift you when you've had enough,
    May HE protect you when you fall,
    May HE hear you when you call,
    May all your duas be accepted,
    May you always be in Allah swt's loving hands.

    Ramadan Mubarak
    Masha'Allah it is so good to hear from you in this blessed month. Alhamduillah i am well by the grace and mercy of Allah. Jazka'Allah khair for asking, my brother is well alhmaduillah, all thanks to Allah, and he too is fasting. Masha'Allah.

    Ramadhan is going so well for me, and the fast to, i can't feel it alhmaduillah. I just wish the day can go slower, so i can receive more blessings, i feel Ramadhan is going quickly, soon it will be over, and my soul will be become weak, and i will become sad.

    Asja, you have a beautiful soul, and i pray that Allah makes you so strong that nothing will upset you, and i pray that Allah eases away and pain or distress you may have. Aameen.

    Ya Allah bless Asja with jannah tul firdos and also her family. Ya Allah You know how much i want to meet Asja's soul, please grant me this wish and have mercy on her soul. Aameen!!!

    You will be in my du'as. A bug hug from me to you ukhtii! I love you for the sake of Allah.
    salam alaykum beloved sis.

    so do you. you have plan your time very nicely .

    i cook alot of stuff . sweet thing and salty .
    i learn from my mom and friends that we use to live the same place in saudi arabia.

    how you have a good ramadan and i also wish for to memorize the Quran.

    i hope you a very nice day and very nice month.

    love you sis salam alaykum
    Assalamu alikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu

    How are you my dear sister? How is Ramadhan going for you? I pray all is going well, and your soul is becoming closer to Allah, in this blessed month. Aameen.

    I pray Allah grants all your wishes, and blesses your beautiful soul with al Firadausal A'la. Aameen.

    Wa'alikum aslaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu
    Assallamu allaykum beloved sister:)
    barakillahu feeki anytime sis:)
    i want to say a big thank to you Aswel
    jazakillahu khaiyr
    wa iyyaki sis
    take care
    aslam alaykum my dear sis.
    am doing very well. am spendding my time working, going to the masjid, doing 3imada.
    ramadaan time is the best opportunity that a person can do 3ibada.
    alhamdulillah that we are a muslims.

    so how about you si? how did you plan oyur time

    thank you for your kindness and may Allah reward u in jannad
    salam alaykum sweetie ramadan kariim..
    i hope you the best time during this month and may Allah SWT forgive you and grant you in jannah AMEEN!!!!
    Assallamu alaykum sis
    just thought i'd drop by and say
    a big ramdhan mubarak to you!!!!
    hope your doing ok inshaAllah
    everythings going good
    take care
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