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  • Great post akhi

    Just one point re this sentence:

    "Women in Muslim countries, can often unfortunately, be taught that they are inferior to men, or are impeded from doing things which they have a right to do (such as not being forced into a marriage etc), due to the misconceptions society may have. This is a great problem which also needs to be addressed."

    When I first read that it came across wrong. Can you improve the syntax so as to not create confusion?

    Or maybe change it to this ..

    "Women in Muslim countries, can often unfortunately, be taught that they are inferior to men, or are impeded from exercising their Islaamic rights (such as not being forced into a marriage etc), due to the misconceptions society may have"

    I don't know, but doesn't the second one sound a lot more clearer than the first?

    Just a suggestion.

    Assalamu Aleyka Warahmatullahi Wabarakaathuh, Ya Akhi Mabsoot, Keyfa Anta?

    URGENT REQUEST! [click here!]

    Jazakallahu Kyran wa Barakallahu Feeka, Ameen. :)
    Good morning brother Mabsoot, nice day isn't it? Wonderful to see you online. :) I hope you're in good health and iman, too inshallah. :biggrin:
    :salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
    akhi i got a problem.i sent posts but the number usually remains same.e.g i posted about 12 postes and the numbers still say 827.


    :wasalam: wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
    Brother, did you receive the pizza I ordered? I sent it to your office yesterday... did you save me any slices??? :(
    Assalamu alekum..may you be in the best state of faith...
    admin plz help me... brother i am not able to post any thread.... why.. :(
    Salaamalaykum brother Mabsoot,

    Please excuse me for causing you any botheration. I just wanted to inform you that there are users still who aren't able to get the email confirmation once they have registered on this website.

    Are you still working on it, dear brother ?

    I hope you are doing well akhi Alhamdulillah

    Wasalaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi
    Long live King Mabsoot! :) :) MashaAllah! We all love you brother Mabsoot for the sake of Allah (swt)!! *gives cheesecake* :)
    Yay Mabsoot! Ye have graced us with ye precense, m'lord! LOL great to see you brother Mabsoot :)
    Salaamalaykum brother Mabsoot,

    New members are having issues with activating their accounts. Email confirmation is not reaching them it seems. Can you please resolve the issue ?

    I hope you are doing well Alhamdulillah.

    Wasalaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi
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