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  • walikum salam
    jazakallah khair for accepting dear sis
    life is busyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy with homework:mad:...I hate it..he he:D..cause everyone i know is enjoy vac while i am stuck with homework..can't wait to finish this....
    sorry ..really mad right now...i don't understand some of my ya
    sorry for the bad welcome^
    so whts up sis? how's life?
    take care
    I was hoping ud be online sis! :D

    oh well, i'm on MSN ok? Appearing offline so ppl dont bug me :SMILY26:

    heehehehe lol :D

    love u
    Wassalaam :D
    cant wait till *ahem ahem* u know what :D inshaAllah.. will be a pleasure! :D
    take care ukhtii

    I love you! :D
    wassalaam :D
    Wa'alaykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu! :D :D

    Aw sis, why you sowii for man..? Dotn be :D u didnt make em sick loOoOoll :D
    im ok Alhumdulillah, just feeling dizZzii :confused: loOoOooll :D ill be ok inshaALah with ur duaas :D

    i know im gona miss yu tooooooooooooooooooooooo :(
    So sad innit... how will the 4 dyz go man ? lol without u guys ;) :D

    inshaAllah il try going to the internet cafe, but u get wierd guys there lol so ill ahve to take my lil bro lol :D if he'll come hehe :D inshaAllah but 1st ill ahve to find a there haha :D

    jazakAllah khair for ydy! :D
    im so glad u knwo everything now! :d woooooo hoooooooo! and thnx for the email add ;)
    i didnt sleep last night lol.. just under my duvet thinking hard lol about what to do and stuff.. i hope Allah does whats best.. im not gona say *i want this* cos HE always knows betetr ryt? :) so inshaAllah khayr :)

    take care too gawjus :D
    Love u always x x x x x x x x x x x
    walikum as salam
    alhumdullila im perfect sis ..... may allah bless us all to islamic beauty ameen...... and how are you sis
    waAlaikum Assalaaaaaaaaaaaaam my sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet YASKA:D:D:D:D
    aaaahhhh.......well not really, u remember abt the Madarasa I told u abt, well......thats wats keeping me busy AlhamduliAllah:D
    so yaaaa Iam kinda taking advantage of my holidayssssssss!!! and yes collge is gna be begin sooon:(:(:( I am a bit nervouse but excited with my new life in collge tho I will see most of my 09 graduates there:D wohoooooooooooooooo!!!:D
    I am soo happy for that!!! plus ramamdan is coming up soooon:D so yea!!
    anywho, hw is everythin at urend?? hw is my asmaa doing? i hope everythin is well with her tooo!
    well, hhugsssssss n mwaaaaaaaahs to u dear sis...and I love u more PAHLEEEEEEEEEEEES accept that fact!!!:D
    Allah hafiz now n alwaaaaayssss:D
    Wa'alaykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu!

    Aw sis u were so kool on MSN i was scared to tel you lol :D but i have not finished it yet *blushes* the story gets a bit B.A.D. here :S

    between 10-11PM i am online some times but like i said my mum hates it lol so i dont come on too much :D
    but inshaAllah ill try tonight... :D I asked my bro and silly him diesnt have Wirless inetrnet :( so i wont be on thurs-sunday im gona misssssss u man

    ill mail you later.. im feeling so sick at the moment :( I keep on vomiting and i am feeling faint. my mums like leme take u doc's but they give the same medecine and say the same thing lol

    take care
    pls make dua for my health, im really unwell AGAIN!

    love u always
    x x x
    Wassalaaam :D :D
    Wa'alaykum salaam :D :D :D

    i hope to be on today, but my MUM!!!!!! Argh! loOoll.. she HATES it when im on MSN lol :D
    so inshaAllah i'll try my best. On thursday we'll be gone over to my bro's so we'll be taking the laptop but not sre if he has wirless inetrnet connection lol :D still gotta ask him :)

    email..? yh i thought so too, but i NEED to see ur reaction lol :D
    i love u too sis! :D yes ur here for me and thats why ur the 1st im telling *blushes*
    Seriosuly, i have NVER EVER told any1! :D

    ok gota go i can here my mum coming lol :D
    take care
    give ur mum my salaamz

    love u always
    x x x
    Wassalaam :D :D
    aaawww missing u guyssssssssss:D
    hun, life is guuuud AlhamduliAllah:D
    ameeeen, to ur duas dear sis, I ask the same for u n the Ummah.......
    alhamduliAllah on everything,
    thanks for droping byyyyyy:D
    tc as well sweeeetttyyy:D
    the biggesssst, hugest, warmest huuuuuuuuug:D
    Wa'alaykum salaam! :D

    JazakAllah khair for the email sissssssssssss :D:D:D:D
    Heheheh hows foofd..? as yummmmy as everrrrr loOoOoOoll :D had wedding these past two days lol so been eating biryani'z n loads of meeeaaaattt lol :D and sweet dishes and cakes and OMG too much lol :D :D

    i NEED to talk to you urgently, but on MSN im not sure wat tym u exactly come on.
    i really have to talk to you, A.S.A.P i cant take it anymore.

    I love u 2 sis, so very much.
    i tell yu things i have never told anyone, seriously :)
    u are literally like my own blood sister *who is as greeeeddii as meee* hehe :D mashaAllah

    love u alwayssssssssssssssss x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
    big fat juicy huggggsssssss

    wassalaam :D:D:D
    wa alaykum sallam sis
    sorry sis u most probably no
    why i don't come on much but make dua for me sis
    :( health not so good
    take care ukthi
    wallahi i miss u aswel so much:(
    hope your ok sis
    hows you doing??
    take care
    wasallam inshaAllah we'l chat soon :hearts:
    Wa'alaykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

    No worries thnx to u too sis x x x
    but im waiting for the emial still ;) inshaAllah no pressure tho loOoOooll :D:D

    yes try 'em out and send me a pic if u can! :D

    Am good Alhumdulillah
    hows u sis?

    love u more sis x x x
    too much loOoOll.. hey i gota PM u just memberd now :D

    take care
    love u always

    wassalaam :D
    salaam aleikum
    thank you ! Ameen for your dua!
    I wish u the same 100x.

    wa aleikum salaam
    Wa Alaykum Assalam sis

    Thank you so much for the nice message. Thanks for the duaa too :).

    Wa iyyakum :)

    Nice to know you can get support from a nice sis like yourself.

    Peace and Love
    Walaikumu salaam sisss
    nooo sis don sayy thatt
    u didnt hurtt mee walahi
    Alhamdulilah :D
    May Allah bless u always
    take care
    wa uhiboki fillah lotz
    wasalamu alaikuumm
    aawww ukhti:D
    o0h wait..I need to say this first "waAlaikum Assalaaam:)"
    I am doing great AlhamduliAllah, jst a bit busy, and cant come online for awhile:( I kno wallahi it has beeen ageeeeeeeeees and ageeeeeeeees...and I am missinnnnnnnnnng u all!:D
    I am gna tc PLS do the same.......and lo0o0ol, iam NOT so sure if I am gna enjoy food:D kidding, I will enjoy it to the MA*!*!*!*!*!*!!:D
    LOVE you!:D
    Allah hafiz now and alwaaaaaaaaaaays
    *tight hugsssssssssss*
    Wa alaykumu salam wa rahamtullahi wa barakatu

    Ameen to your duas wa iyak
    May Allah bless you with Jannah al fidows and ease all your affairs, Grant you and your family pleasure and happiness in this life and the peak of all happiness in Jannah

    I love you too sis very much for Allah's Sake
    * Kiss * Huggsss***
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