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  • Part 2:
    Hmmm yeh ill give u some Yummmy recipes inshaAllah :D
    made mango lassi today lol-cudnt stop thinking of you and grinning to myslef lol my mums like "ekhli ekhli hu ahe?" trans: what u laffin at on ur own lol :D

    Me too i asked my mum and she was like "thumbs up" lol :D Alhumdulillah!
    im soOoOo excitedd!! yaya! inshaAllah i really hope we do! :D

    hope ur eating well!! :D
    i did i hate rice and meat *yum* altho i felt sick laterz hehe
    i love u sis miss u toox x x

    hey! i learnt how to say in punjabi i love you.. mein tuwada naal pyaar kardiyaan! woo hoo lol :D

    Ya qalbii take care

    Wassalaam :D:D:D:D:D
    Wa'alaykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu wa maghfiratuhu wa fadhluhu! :D:D:D

    SoOoOoOo niice to see you greenieesssSSss!! :D:D:D
    Im good Alhumdulillah! :D

    haha? ur laffing..? :p heheheh kidding sister.. it was funni lol... cos normally i kinda hide under the duvet and *pretend* to be asleep lol i think i suffer from insomnia lol :d Na, i hope not i just cant be bothered to get in bed and sleep- its so boring... theres so much more to life then sleeping lol :D :D :D What did i say..? That i was on MSN lol heheeh shes was like "pagel chai! Amre MSN par.. kauna haathe waat kare?! internet par koi hubbi to nim lai nai?" Trans: *clears her throat* ur mad! right now on MSN who u chatting to? u have not foiund a guy mate online have you? lol :D :D
    i was like Na just a long lost sister lol she duznt know u live far far far away tho i kept "how cn u trust her" "u have never met her" etc etc lol :D:D
    but dont worri i trus u are a gurll hehe:Dwudnt have shown u my pic otherwise lol :D
    Wa'alaykum salaam!!

    so good to hear from you ukhtii
    sorri bout the otha day on MSN my mouse froze and my mum was calin me lol it was gettin a liltte late and she checkd my rum and normally i hide th laptop but i was on the gig fat computer downsterz so she cawt me out lol :D hehe

    im lgad to hear that ukhtii
    need to send u some recipes man been so buZZzi inshaAllah will do!

    jumuah mabroook to you1
    have a great day
    eat lwds.. hehe :D i will too *try my best* lol

    Ishtaqtu ilayki
    uhibbuki katheeeeer ya qalbii! :D

    wassalam :D
    wa'alaykum salaam

    thnx for your msg sis
    yeh its for the best

    i know thnx for ALWAYS being there for em
    i wish i could do the same for you :(
    i am such a bad friend man.. sowii for not being around lately

    love you n miss u x x
    waAlaikum Assalaaam my sweet YASMineeeeeeeee:D:D:D
    I am alright AlhamduliAllah!!
    I knw so very LOONG tym,,,,u always RUSH out....lo0oo0l
    shoppping with out me.....ENVY!!lo0ol kiddin sweetyyy, that is alot more fun than chatting on msn!:D
    ameeen, Allah blessss you tooooooooo!!!!:D
    lo0ol, any nice food, naaaah!!!! I am not a fan of foooodddd:D, no wonder I am sssoo skinnnnny like the walkin sticks..lo0ol, u seen the walkin sticks those OLD ppl carry wen walkin?? that is hw I look like......lo0ol
    nothin much,,,,,walahi!!!
    jst loving tti!!! lo0ol LIKE alwaysssssssss, and oh yea MISSED you and the others who disappeared!!
    I am off to revisions now, tt u latersssssssssssssss:D:D:D:D
    Allah hafiz now and always:D:D:D:D:D
    no no dont be sowiii its ok doki

    hope things are going well for you
    make dua for me my results are cmn out soon inshaAllah

    tc love u
    i forgot wat ishtaqtu means lol
    oh well same to you too lol

    aawwww sweeet heart:D
    no probs ukhti......I kno u been busy:D dont be sorry abt anything dear:D *no sorry between us okiedokie* AlhamduliAllah I am fine ukhti:D JazakaAllah khayr for asking:D
    hw r u??? been long tym since i seen u on msn too...lo0ol
    Hope u doing well sweeeeeeeeeety:D
    I misssed u too walahi:D
    Allah hafiz now and always:D:D:D:D

    where are u?
    have not heard form you in some time now, getting worried

    hope ur ok
    :cool: Wasup sis..? :D

    hows my beautiful sisters keeping these days...? :)
    i hope they're in the best of health inshaAllah

    missing u lots
    x x x

    take care of urslef n ur mum
    Was-salaam :)

    ur sister Asmaa
    Assalamu Alaikum my sweet yaska:D
    it has been THREE days since I hv NOT heard from...u take alotta time with the celebration girl..lo0ol
    kidding, I hope u doin well walahi, I missed ur long sweet msgs, and ofcourse ur GREEEENS!
    I LOVE U FIlAllah:D
    Allah hafiz now and always
    WaAlaikum Salaaam dearest ukhti:D
    yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy:D now I want some:D:D:D:D
    yes! u got that right, dont hv lotta time on computer! no, I actually used to use my bro's labtop....then now IT'S NOT WORKING!!!!lo0ol, so that is y I said iam computerless:D
    what I been up to??hhhmmmm, walahi nothin same old, same old!:D
    TC as well dear:D
    Allah hafiz now and always:D:D:D::D
    aaawww ukhti!!! walahi I was thinkin of askin u hw it went but didnt get time!!! AlhamduliAllah gud to knw u passed:D
    celebrate BUT dont empty the FRIDGE!!!!! plz leave some for the fam memebers!!lo0ol
    I am gud AlhamduliAllah:D thanks for always askin me:D Allah bless u loads!
    man, I am jst computerless I might say!! mostly usin the fam computer(sharing it wif a bro who is doin journalism, talk abt the computer been busy 24/7!)lo0ol
    but AlhamduliAllah, I try to answer VMs as much as I can, sometimes late tho..lo0ol
    <3 u loads, Allah hafiz now and always:D
    asalaamu'alaykum ukhti :) InshaAllaah u are doing well :) I hope u passed ur exams :) InshaAllaah lemmi knw:D I got exam tmrw, need du'aas plz :) Fi amaan Allaah, love u lots x x
    asalaamu'alaykum sister :)

    Alhamdulillaah I am well jazakillaahu khayran for asking :D

    I had shadah pilau with salad for lunch :D *yum yum* :D yum aloo keema :D with naan :D yum hehe

    yasmine + food = best friends :D

    chahana + nutella = aahhhhhhhhhhh :D:D

    :lol: i dunno what I'm doin :D

    nwy, I'm closer in finishing my coursework assignments. Teach said I have to give them in next week, then they're gna send them off. I got exam on monday, du'aas plz :)

    InshaAllaah speak to u soon :)

    Fi amaan Allaah sis, I love u sis :) x
    ukthi i miss u so much aswel
    jazakallahu khaiyr sis Ameen ya rabb
    wa iyyaki
    how are you my dear sis??
    hope ur doing well
    take care
    love you loads :( forgive me for not keeping in touch:(
    WaAlaikum Assalaam sister yasmine:D:D
    Idk where the 'ka' came from,lo0ol, but it's nice to say:D
    inshaAllah, u r in my duas:D u wont fail:D dont be scared:D
    yea, true all r covered!:D
    0o0o0h do nt mention -40! pahleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas
    ameen to ur dua ukhti:D
    u too inshaAllah, enjoy ur sleep
    asalaamu'alaykum wr wb ukhti :D

    how are u? :D hows life? :D hows everything? :D InshaAllaah ok I hope :)

    In college now, just finished lunch :D InshaAllaah speak to u soon :D

    Fi amaan Allaah :D:D
    WaAlaikum salaam YASKA:D
    noo, it does NOT hv meanin in Somali, it's ONLY short for Yasmine:D
    anyhow, hw does the Somali doughnuts look like?lo0o0l, are u talkin abt Sambusa??lo0o0l
    I am confused:D I kwn exams and food, man they'll NEVA go together! period!
    btw, u sayin u like winter?? DONT come near me, or I will make u my BLANKET!lo0o0ol
    (since u like winter, I suppose u dont feel the cold that is y u'll serve as my comfortable blanket:D:D:D:D)! niceeey name:D I love it:D YES! I will be the first to join that group:D:D:D it'll be an honour!:D
    I aint doin anythin special for my holidays, I am only gonna start revising my long lost Quran:( but I am happy to do inshaAllah, this time it'll go GAGAGAREEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAT:D
    okiedokie:D sleep well N dream abt my Exotic name:Dlo0o0l
    Assalamu Alaikum sis:D
    love u too filAllah *ofcourse*lo0ol
    Allah hafiz nw n always:D
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