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  • Aawwww i hope u feel better soon inshaAllah :)

    If i can hlp u in any way please lemme know twin, oki?
    I cant see people sad.
    I hope to see some smilies in ur next msg inshaAllah :)

    Take care
    And chin up ;)
    ur feeling May i ask why?
    Am i sickening u with my smilies....? :confused: lol
    i hope u unwierd soon inshaAllah lol
    it was KoOoOoOoOoOoll :D :D Alhumdulillah :)
    did some ship ans shap lol and the crib is now spik and span lol :D :D

    Alhumdulillah i am well too :)
    wanted to go to the beach, but there was no time lol :D oh well, next time inshaAllah :)
    How are u my dearest?
    Hope ur oki and ur day was FAB to inshaAllah :)
    IM BACK IM BACK IM BACK!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Alhumdulillah :)

    How are you? :)
    SoOoOo sorry for delayed reply :redface:
    I am sOoOoOo tired lol :D :D Like totally flat man.. gonna go sleep inabit lol :D
    I did mention i sleep like a log right?! lol :D

    So how are you my dearest? :)
    Hope ur oki inshaAllah,

    Oh and sorry for scaring you lol :D :D
    I was gonna text u but i duno what happened lol, i just kinda miscalled u lol :D

    Take care

    OoOoOoh yeeaahh, ukhit lol <<< i meant ukhti lol :D Typing error lol :D
    Like always, lol...haahahahhah Sohbat ka asar man, im telling you lol :D :D
    Alahmdulilah, it's good to hear you are doing great. Insha Allah, for sure you are in my duas and you will always be. Love you too sis, huggs and kisses to you too. Take care.


    wa-alaykuma salaam sis

    Alhamdulilah, I'm doing great. jazak ALlahu khayra for your kindness my dear sis. How are you doing? I hope you are doing great too. Huggs and kisses to you too my sweet sis:hearts: Take care:D

    haha yehh i'l teach you some new *techniques* inshaAllah lol

    yehh i printed it...its on the desk with my revision sister was like....'oiiii your wasting my ink again'...and then she said... 'OMG i remember this' haha lol

    chat sooooooooon inshaAllah

    wassalam :D :D :D :D :D
    yehhh alhamdulilah i had an amazing sleep :D :D

    nice and fresh...ready to revise lol...amiin to your du'a Rukii...thuma amiiiin..
    i'm gna get off and do such much needed inshaAllah we shall talk soon..

    take care *brotherly hug* lol

    p.s. printed the Tahajjud Du'a and memorised it lol...jazakallah khair ukhtiii

    allah hafiz :D
    salaaaaam Rukiiii

    alhamdulilah i'm learning new techniques all the time haha :)

    hows it going? hope you had a good nite sleep ??
    may allah swt bless you and make like the great Aisha bin Abi Bakr Sideeq...amiin

    take care...wassalam :)
    ehem, sister who is sorry me or you?? lol, I knw we r reading and trying to reply,it's all good dear, have NO worries sweety
    Allah hafiz NOW and ALWAYS macaanto
    Assalamu Alaikum

    JazakaAllah khairan for the add dear abayo:)
    I hope u r well and happy:)
    Allah hafiz NOW and ALWAYS:)
    im sooooo glad i make you laugh and SMILE Rukiiiiiii

    may allah swt bless youuu....amiin
    haha how can i be the best???

    when i got Rukiii to compete with... lol subhanallah...thanks for the sweet words Rukii :)
    haha lol :) he meant the poem will go in mag's and he can publish it with you name.. :)
    sooo you will be famous looool :D :D
    yehhh im fine :) lol

    your soooo funny and fact...the sweeeeeeetest person ever :D subhanallahh u r one of those smart kids en(mashallah)
    well i am studying wonder i feel old..
    alhamdulilah i had a fabulous day :D

    played footie...finished those two assignments and...REVISED!!! haha :)
    inshaAllah more tomorrow lol

    nooo those poems are keeping me and the tahajjud du'a...very useful...jazakallahu khair :)
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