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  • lol.......hahahahhahha.......hahahaha..... :D :D :D
    im not hiding from you lol :D :D

    999 is for emergencies.. its just me missing lol :D
    This is not our real life, So look forward to happiness in the hereafter. Whatever problem's we have here in the world, we know Allah is testing us.
    So we have to be patient inshaAllah
    Aaww.... You have such a good heart mashaAllah :)
    i hope my pain goes away too.. far far far away inshaAllah :)

    I hope you do not get my headache! why do people wish on themsleves what takleef im going through?! :confused:
    are u sure ur in ur right mind? lol :D
    i hope it goes away, but not to you no waaaaay!!
    LoOoooll.. sister.. dont say that again please :) its bad having a headache lol, it drains out ur energy and hapiness and smile and all lol
    assalamu alaikkum dear:)
    hw r u? yes she send n wait for ue reply. it's ok. just nw I called u canected but no answer. ok girl take care. pray for me and my famly. insha allah wil meet again. wassalam.
    sister haniya
    hahahaha.... i should seen that one coming llol :)
    i have headache again lol.. minor one.. make du'aa inshaAllah, me n my headaches.
    lol.. Same with mine..hahahahah.. it says ur not recieving my msgs hahahhaah lol :D

    Oki.. lemme appear online lol :D
    You do the same too if its possible.. if not, no worries.. No pressure lol :D
    lol :D :D :D

    Its boring here lol :D
    Trust me lol..
    Annoy me... Yeh right.. hows that possible? :)
    U can never annoy me Alhumdulillah

    lol... I knoOoow sundays are soOooo boring innit? lol :)
    No no, people who have forgotten to have fun are the ones who say boring lol :D
    Sum1 told me that lol :D

    I hope to mmove in tmrw to lol :D
    then u hop into our car and cum here yeh? lol
    lol...heheeheheh.... please dont say torture..... no no.. please lol... TTI sisters like torturing em lol ahahah :D:D
    Chill, u can text me lol.. ill miscall away lol :D haha

    We were gonna cum tdy lekin, change of plan lol :) Gona cum tmrw inshaAllah to London inshaAllah, hope the weathers good too inshaAllah :)

    Take care
    p.s. please no torture...llol :D :D do rahm on me lol
    lol.. i felt soOoOoOooo silly miscaling u lol :D
    like u tx and miscal, tx and miscall lol :lol:

    I shud be toping up soon inshAllah no worries lol :)
    Alhumdulillah i am well how are you? I cbb to cum online but i pormised you lol... so im gona be on for a while now lol :D : D
    alhamdulilah i had a good night sleep...nice and fresh now...finishing those assignments before football inshaAllah :D

    i just need to get summat from the shoe for ameee jee so i will inshaAllah talk to you later my sweeeet Rukiiii

    take care...keep smiling :) :)....actually like this :D lol
    allah hafiz
    wassalam Rukiiii

    amiiin and may allah bless you even more...amiin haha :)
    no more football?? haha i'm playing today at :D

    hows it going?? everything good i hope inshaAllah..
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