Non-Muslim to Muslim exchange of Knowledge


May Allah Forgive us

Posts of Brother Mabsoot and Saifkhan sum well up and the best that can be said in response to this thread. I too pray the same, May Allaah guide you.

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
I can not and will not, InshaAllah, take any knowledge about my faith from anyone who does not believe.


By my own weak knowledge, only person who started this thread knows if she believes or not. And Allah too of course.

All the best to all of you.


Assalaam walaikum,


She is the one who said she is not Muslim. I, too, pray she becomes one, soon.

sister herb

Official TTI Chef

I meant believing in general. I don´t continue this discussion more as others believing doesn´t belongs to me - it belongs to person herself.



Junior Member

If someone.... nevermind who it is.... posts a hadith or verse from the Qur'an which can be of help to a person who is seeking answers.... would that information that is given become invalid?

And why? Because the person who providing the information is not a Muslim?

Would the hadith or verse from the Qur'an become null and void because of the person giving out the information?

If we as Muslims are to take our knowledge only from Muslims.... then please clarify what you mean by "Muslims".

There are disagreements between Muslims on many topics and issues.

What sort of Muslims are we supposed to take our knowledge from then?

It would be easy if ALL Muslims had the same opinion on every matter. But the reality isn't so, is it?

Furthermore.... ALL Muslims aren't on the same level of understanding or knowledge.

All Muslims don't have the same degree of faith.

One person may be a Muslim today.... and an apostate tomorrow.

And all Muslims do not practice what they preach.

Many Muslims are ignorant.

Knowledge is knowledge. A true seeker of knowledge is he who takes his knowledge from anyone. He doesn't consider WHO is saying it. He considers WHAT is being said. If it's good, he accepts it. If not, he ignores it.

That's how we as Muslims are supposed to be.

When we seek knowledge sister, we do not seek it from any Muslim. it should be sought from the Ulama (those who are specialist in the specific field of study). So when we seek a ruling about inheritances, we go to the one who is a specialist about the rulings of inheritances in Islam. If we want to seek knowledge about the rulings of Riba, we go to another scholar who is specialist in that field. So i should not seek from my friend who happens to be a Muslim unless it is supported and taken from a reliable source.

When a person is suffering from a lung decease, he would not go to a dermatologist to seek medical advice, would he?

When you study the rules and conditions of the science of Hadeeth and how a Hadeeth is classified to be authentic, strong or weak etc. you will find that some of the conditions in order for the narrator to be valid - he was a Muslim, and he practiced Islam and he died a Muslim.

Allah knows best - correct me if I am wrong....


Junior Member
I no longer post here so you have no further need to be concerned regarding my participation here.

Please don't stop posting and participating in the forums. You're probably taking it personally, sorry if you're offended sis. A lot of us will miss you!

I hope you'd stay. :)


Junior Member
i too hope you will stay ... I'm new and so i'm not famillar w/ your posts other than this one, however... i too am currently ( for now ) non muslim and i still feel that i am valued here, and i am sure you are too. This forum has been too welcoming for me to feel any other way. I really hope you will stay.


Salaam Jen

Just want to say that I appreciate your respect towards Muslims and Islam, and I also respect your point of view in return. Hope you will continue to learn about and increase your appreciation of Islam. Best wishes to you.