The loneliness of converts


Striving for Paradise
Brothers and Sisters,
Sorry to break the topic of food.

Anyione who is concerned about the situation discussed in this thread and want this issue to be addressed, should contact these 2 organizatons. The biggest Muslim umbrella organization in Noth America is Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). They have a lot of influence on the majority of Mosques and Imams in North America. The second most influential organization is Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA).

I have gathered the contact information for these two organizations.
But I have a request:[/U] Can anyone who is good in writing English write a sample letter which we can copy and either mail or e-mail to them. This will make it easy for many of us and so rather than igoring or delaying it many of us will send this important mail.

Mailing Address:
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
P.O. Box 38
Plainfield, IN 46168, USA

Telephone: (317) 839-8157
Fax: (317) 839-1840

This webpage contain the names of top ISNA office bearers:

ISNA is more influencial so we should focus on ISNA more.

Mailing Address:
Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)
166-26 89th Ave
Jamaica NY 11432

Telephone: (718) 658-1199
Fax: (718) 658-1255

Post your email to ICNA at this site:

We must also contact our local Masjid and Imams too and ask them to educate people in this important matter.

Also please do the same in Europe and Australia too.


New Member
ASalaamu Alaikum

I just found this and this is exaclty how I feel...just wanted to share.

WA Salaamu Alaikum


brothers and sisters,
When you mention loneliness.....
especially amongst the a muslim...
it is something spiritual....first and foremost....what are your connection with your family even they are non in my country....a muslim son still living with their non muslim parents...even lead a normal life amongst non muslim their brother and sisters.even their mother reminded them to pray..when she heard an Azan....even cook for him in a muslim way.laugh and joke amongst them.Here they are taught to respect their parent even they are non muslim.
So are the society around them...all are in the good relation...amonst the non muslim as like brothers and sister.when a festive season.of each religion..we visit them no matter they christian....buddhism...hinduism there are intergrated our prime minister a muslim and non-muslim ministers.called an open house...but with all the food are halal.On the EID...even our King open an open house to the Public when his subject all over the country whoever they are...christian....buddhist...hindu..all religion and races.No doubt we are multi-racial each respected each other religion.There are churches.temples too.Islam is our National religion
So our society are in balance....with all the people...amongst life are not that lonely..but still we are the staunch muslim.
Here we appreciate music and theatres but still within the limits.not with the *!*!*!. Our Radio and television. station...there are azan...Quran reciting and the Dahwa songs.There are even a young muslim band rockers composer..listening to westlife..bon jovi....but when the time for prayers...and even the friday prayers....
So I hope this information has given you a little understanding of the true Islam practice in our part of the world...the problem it is not about people is us communicate whoever we like without straining ourselves to a certain limits.Alway remember whoever they are ...they still our blood brothers an sisters....the decendent of Adam and Eves...But still ignorant about the truth about Islam.Let us pray...maybe who knows from their womb there would be muslimin and muslimah as what you are.A BLESSING IN DISGUISE.INSHAALAH.



Is roti canai similar to pita? I don't know all the names of all the breads.


Yes something like that. But prata can be eaten with curry

Nope My brother is from yemen but living in singapore. :biggrin:

Yes. Im not a malay but i do speak malay ,alhamdulilah

Sister Southermuslimah, the thing about some malay food is they sometimes use lots of ghee, oil and stuff. In Fact a significant number of malays in Singapore suffer from sickness like heart attack, diabetes , hypertension


Striving for Paradise
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I want to keep this topic alive, so I am posting here. I am going on a trip to Pakistan for a couple of weeks. If I get time and opportunity then I will check TTI website, otherwise I will see you guys after I come back.

But please in the mean time go to this ISNA website:
and send them emails or letters etc.

There are some reverts in ISNA management too, who could relate to this topic more easily. I heard that ISNA's director is/was also a revert sister from Canada. :ma:

So, either call these people or send them emails/letters regarding this issue. When this issue will descend from ISNA to the individual mosque's leadership, they will do something about it. I suggest when someone send an email or a letter to them, then post a line here too that they have done their part. This way this topic will remain alive and more people will be encouraged to do the same.

Thanks a lot people. And see you guys later InshAllah. :salah:


Junior Member
Asalaamu Alaikum

Well alhumdullilah..I think someone must have made dua for me because masha Allah a sister came up to me today as I was loading my groceries and gave me salam. I 've never seen her before ..she knew I was muslim because of my scarf and she told me how lonely her ramadan had been and how she wished she had known someone to invite over to iftar (I'm not making this up) and I couldn't believe it because she is actually in my neighbourhood and she thought she was the only muslim in town! So we are going to get together insha Allah. I am so grateful to Allah for sending me a friend and so grateful to anyone who made dua for all the converts and for everyone who is trying to help. I can't even express my happiness.

Wa Salaamu Alaikum


Junior Member
Yeah I guess I have to put the hijabi icon each time I write something..what makes people think I'm a guy...does dawahforever sound like something a guy would make up or it my writing style? :hijabi: :hijabi: :hijabi: :hijabi:


Junior Member
My Birthday!!

TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY ALHAMDULILLAH!!! I'M SOO HAPPY! ALLAHU AKBAR! I'M 18 NOW! I'M FREE! Now I ccan wear hijab! This is so wonderful masha'Allah! :hijabi:




Junior Member
Asalam alaikum,

Wow, so I'm not the only one, eh? Okay, I feel lonely too, a lot especially during Ramadan and Eid al Fitr cuz I have no Muslim family to share this with... I have a Muslimah friend, my best girlfriend that I can't visit and haven't seen in 3 years, but I call once a month inshallah, not in a while though... I miss her so much! SubhanAllah. :SMILY23: Now I feel sad...subhanAllah! Hugs are always good hehe :hearts: I miss hubby :hijabi:


Sakeena :girl3:

YOu're married right? Why do you have to be 18 to wear hijab? I'm confused.


Junior Member
YOu're married right? Why do you have to be 18 to wear hijab? I'm confused.

No, I'm noy married yet insha'Allah. I'm going to get married Allah willing. Because in USA, under 18 your a minor; child, but @ 18 your an adult and you can practice whatever religion you want to inshallah. So I can now wear hijab cuz I'm an adult alhamdulillah.


Junior Member
In the other post you said you missed your hubby so I thought you were married therefore you wouldn't have to worry what age you were. So you meant to say you missed your fiance?


فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ
Salaam Shahzad,

Although i agree with you and i dont mind, seems like you are always ready to post something against or in realtion to the girls. In one post you said they talk alot, which on this iste, i would agree they do too.. but you .. your a bit curious.. how you get irritated in the sense that you post things about what should happen and shouldnt.. and a bit bout girls.. hehe.. but its cool.. i dont mind..

Hope u dont mind either..hehe


Junior Member
A'salaamu 'aleikom my Friends.

I have not been around for a while, my studies tend ti interfere with leisure.

With reference to the subject in question. I have recently conducted a small survey among s few Revert Muslims in my area. I have found that Lonliness is a common factor among those who have reverted, and later, rejected Islam. Of the thirty four who have rejected, nineteen have also rejected religion outright.

Why is this so? There are many reasons, not just one cause. The most common reason given was, they felt that they themselves had been rejected due to the lack of reciprocal fellowship, language difficulties, and Cultural differences that created an air of exclusivity amongst many "Born" Muslims.

Another common complaint related to the confusion caused by some Muslims criticizing, rather than helping, and the lack of encouragement from their local Muslim community. I myself have come across some people who have a habit of boasting about their own knowledge and abilities, placing ridicule on those whose abiliy is lesser.

Finally, there was the lack of acceptance of them as being Muslim, or even as seekers. Yes, that includes some Imam.

There are a few other reasons, but these were the main ones given.

For myself, my Daughter actually considered finding out, first hand, what islam is all about. She even considered reverting, as a matter of fereewill. This is a teen who has never had any religious background whatsoever. Because she was treated as an outcast by Muslimah her own age, she has rejected islam before she had the chance to revert.

For myself, I am still a muslim, I just tend to keep to myself a lot. It is easier than being criticized and being ignored by those who may feel that being a "Born" Muslim gives them superiority because I am not from their particular "Culture".

Besides, since taking Shehada a year ago, I attend to my life alone without a partner, I observe what is required of me, and now read the Qur'an in Arabic and English. I just refuse to argue about Allah (subhanna wa Ta'ala) His Prophet (salalahu alehi wa salaam), or hadeeth. I leave that to the scholars.


Ibrahim Abdullah


New Member
I am your sister in iran.i am amuslim like all you but i am very alone like my country . i have a little real muslim here .just i want to tell you that all real muslims in the world from first till now are very alone .i pray that we all find real muslim friend that help us to be more better every day. allah hafiz


I was deeply saddened by reading the post of brother Ibrahim (Wulf).

May Allah swt guide us born muslims to at least not put off other people from accepting Islam.

Born muslims should be making it easier for non-muslims and new muslims to become better mulims,
not making it harder for them. As I see, the reality is the other way round.
We will be held responsible in front of Allah swt on the day of judgement. Islam is not private property of anyone.

I ask Allah swt for guidence for all of us and may Allah swt make life easier fro new muslims in the fold of Islam. Ameen
