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  • Wa'alaykum salaam!!!!!!!!!!

    oh my Allah! Thats BEAUTIFUL!! i love it mashaALlah! sounds ammmmmmmmaziiinnnggg!

    Keep 'em comin man,! you have great taste in nasheeds shunna bunna :p

    love, Asmaa

    I tried the link again, AlhumdulIlah it works darlin. :)

    Its beautiful mashaAllah!
    i really like it! its bookmarked hehehehh :p

    Tc lovey
    Wassalaam X
    wa allaykum sallam lol gii oy bala :p afne bhala ni??
    not to good lol sis hope ur feeling much better than
    yestarday *hug* luv yuuu sooo much sis
    take care
    oh hey ur online just realised lol.

    this is the account. DONT laugh ok LOL :D it was a few yrs ago that i made the account. Say 14? :p it's silly i know. haha

    *MSN ID deleted :p You offline LOL*

    ill delete the address inabit so if u could then send it now :)

    hey sorry about that

    I'll give you my othter MSN ID which i dont really use but you can email it to that one and i'll check it out inshaALlah :) Sorry if i sounded rude in the other vm. Someone was knocking at the door and i was rushing lol. Thus i didnt even do salam before i left and left a feeble "x" :p

    no dont worry about it. better late than never *cheeky grin*

    Wassalaam :)
    ofcourse you are! :)

    Hahaahah, we called and they just said too many people using it in your area LOL.
    FREE?! Damn, where DO you live Lol :D

    I dont have that msn account anymoer LOL

    Juma mubarak :)
    Wa'alaykum salaam wr wb

    Wow. Thats really nice of you shunna ;)
    I'll check it out when my internet feels like bloody working :S. 1 video on youtube takes like 30 minutes to load :S LOL

    I'm sure its beautiful just like you :)

    Tc hun

    I'm well too AlhumdulilLah. Just got a bruise on my arm LOL. No idea how it happened haha. Well its kinda bruisey kinda lumpy thing. :S not hurting tho hehe :p


    Thought id leave u a qick msg hun

    hope you're well.

    Miss all of you so mch

    give my slmz n love t riku pls
    tell her i really miss her :(

    assalaamu alaykum shunna
    hahahaha youre sooo cute mashaAllah :D:D:D:D:D awwwwwwwww...well i have an embarassing story to tell you too but that will be on msn (im talking to you right now there :p ) hahah...

    ummi, abi, akhawati all are fine alhamdulillah! barakallahu fiki
    and how's your umm, ab, and ikhwah (because you have 2 bros) if you only had sisters it would be your akhawat! :D:D::D:D:D:D
    ameen to your duas sis they mean a lot to meee! jazaakillahu khayran
    may Allah bless you and all your family, and may He give you the best of duniya and akhirah

    big huggggggggggggggggggggs
    love u always fiLlah <3 <3 :hearts:
    Aameen Allahumma Aameen.

    I love you ukhtii.
    JazakAllah khair for msging me... means a lot

    i know i cant be on so mcuh now :(

    I miss rikku sososoososo much man,
    i dont evne gt a hcnace to chat t u guys lol

    u tc2
    Wa'alaykum salaam

    Alhumdulillah ive been well :) and urself?
    Exams were good too Alhumdulillah make dua i pass nw pls lol

    miss u
    wasslaaam :D
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