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  • As-salaamu'alaykum!

    heheheeheheh man! we have some cheeekki chiks on TTI :p hehe
    missin u sosos much man :(

    u still at the internet cafe?
    hope to chat soon inshaALlah

    holidays? SIS! my madrasa started like 2 weeks ago haha! :D

    take care sweet sis
    love u always x x x

    wassalaam :D

    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
    Beautilful green smilies for a beautiful green monster :p hehe

    kidding sis!
    missing you on MSN Love u always x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x

    Wassalaam :D:D:D:D:D
    Wa alaykum sisssssss
    i miss you sooooo much where you gone :( do you have net nowww?
    Hows your family and little bro/ i hope you're all fine and in the best of health and eeman

    love you always siiiiiiis :hearts:
    miss you channa :(
    wa salaam
    Assalamu Alaikum dearrryyyy:D:D:D:D:D

    AlhamduliAllah...I too am feeling gggguuuuuddddd:D:D:D:D
    oh snap!!! noo internet???? man...that sucks BIG TYM!!!! sorriii sis:(
    u can take a walk...or maybe read lots of Quran...lol IDK:D
    I am glad to hear from u dear:D
    love u soo much
    take care.....Allah hafiz now n alwayss my sweeet Affa
    btw...I added u on my fb:D:D:D:D:D
    yea...iam stalking u:D thats hw much I love uuuu:D:D:D:D
    Assalamu Alaikum sis
    loon tym no talk??

    jst dropped by to say salaam:D
    hope u doing well:D
    take care
    Allah hafiz now n alwayss:D:D:D
    As-salaamu'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu wa maghfiratuhu!

    This is to all my sweethearts :)


    May Allah reward you all with the best reward. jazakAllah khair katheer for always being there for me and hearing me out. You guys ROCK!!
    I truly and honesy hope to meet you guys in this duniya. If not, then in the Aakhira! Ameen

    Take care my darlings
    Make dua for me please, i am in dire need of your pious duaas.

    Your Sister Asmaa

    x x x

    P.S sister Muslimah86 i hope u dont mind me "borrowing" ur idea :D
    wa alaykum salaam wa rahmatullah shunna boiyn :D

    tumi khoy? ami tomare miss korsi :D
    bala aso ni?
    kitha khobor ? :D

    bhalo thako amar priyo boiyn :D
    wa salaam
    wa'alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuyhu wa maghfiratuhu ! :)

    Nah man dont be sowwwiiiii :) You broke the rule man! darn it!! :p
    Alhumdulillah i been goOoOodd :cool: and urslef..?

    take care
    wassalaam :D
    wa alaykum sallam beloved sis
    :( no sis im not feeling well
    but Alhamdulillah
    hope your good sis
    i miss u so much wallahi
    take care
    i love you sis
    wassallam x x x
    i am very happy to hear that...May ALLAH mak everything easy for you and always keep you smiling .Ameen
    inshallah..I am waiting for uuuuuuuuuuu..
    take care
    alhamdulliah sis i am fine..I was so worriedddddddddddddddddd about u..I always see you on msn but havn't seen u in a while
    good to know you are okay
    awwwwww..i will send u my internet:D
    i miss u moreeeeeeeeeeeeeee..
    take care
    inshallah i will make dua for everybody
    inshallah talk to u soon
    heheheheheh how many...? *hmmmm* lemmme seeeee

    2 :D :D
    s&v...? Nope aint got tha one sowwwiiiii
    u wnated.. ?:D

    Alhumdulillah im well :D :D
    hahahahahahahahhaahahahhaah yeh man u got that right sisi :cool:
    its finished now heheheh im gona go get another packet... put on some weight hehehe :D

    giv u some...? Shurruup get ur own :p heheheheh kidding :D
    come my hws and we'll eat together :D
    wa alaykum sallam beloved ukthi
    thankz for dropping by
    i hope you are well sis
    and everything is going ok for you
    i miss you so much
    love you
    hope to chat to you soon inshaAllah
    take care ukthi wassallam
    keep me in ur duas im not too good
    Assalaamu alaykum sis
    Misss you sooooooooo much :( i miss our long convos, our "embarassing" stories :D, recipes, smileys...ahhhhhhhh sis Channa please come back soon inshaallah :( your affa is missing uuuuu!
    Take care my shunnaaa boiyn
    Ami tumare bhalobashi :D:D love u so much sis :hearts:
    wa salaam
    Asalam alaikum my sis
    how are you?
    sis where r u..I didn't see you online in ages
    is everything okay
    missing u
    take care
    walikum salam
    As-salaamu'alaykum cheeekki :D

    how are u keeping sis?
    ur still here mashaAllah ! :D so happpppi to see you online :D
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