Walaykumasalaam! No need to apologise, walah it's cool
Yes, InshAllah, i'll have to do istikhara to make my final decision. Yeah, studying Islam would be sooo much fun! InshAllah!!!!
Awww, sister that is too kind of you, walah you made me smileee, jezakAllah khair, it'd be great to meet up with you! InshAllah
But dont think i'm going anytime soon, maybe in a year or so inshAllah.
And if you ever wanna see yorkshire....
Being excited is goood! Mash'Allah, maybe the Eid feeling is getting to you..?
Lol, I don't know a great deal, just what i picked up from my friends and i'm pretty sure the dialects are different.
Erm ok lets start easy...kafal haal?? Oh and btw....'anti jamiila