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  • mashallah! ...
    so much of noor is gonna be at your place!! :)..
    well, mine..
    well, there's no joy in this RAMADHAN as my father is not here...
    but alhamdulillah! its going good...
    oh! sis your online..ah! i never knew....
    ya allah!! mashallah!!!..
    i really missed you honey ;(...
    mashallah! i found you back...
    ya! i remember you had some problem from you account right?..
    is it clear now?:):)
    wishing u a wicked ramadhan! :)

    hope ur okii hun
    missing u sosososo much dont even see u on msn anymorw :(
    hope things are ok with u n ur family

    lots n lots n lots of love for my elder sis ;) llol
    Assalamo alikuum huuniii...

    Looll I MISS UU!

    Ramadan is here :D


    Devotion...Obedience..Sacrifice...Patience...Compassion...Mercy...Forgiveness... Gratitude...Courage...Faith...May the spirit of Ramadan be with you always !!!

    Take care..

    love you for the sake of Allah! :D:D:D:D

    Ramadhan Kareem & Mobarak!!!

    May Allah (swt) hasten your pardon..strengthen your iman..perfect your practice..lengthen your hours of worship..and count you amongst those He (swt) purifies in His Month of Fasting..Ameen!
    ¯`'•.¸(¯`'•.¸*♥♥♥♥*¸.•'´¯)¸.•' ´¯)
    ♥(¯`'•.¸(¯`'•.¸*♥♥*¸.•'´¯)¸.•' ´¯)♥
    ♥♥(¯`'•.¸(¯`'•.¸**¸.•'´¯)¸.•'´ ¯)♥♥
    ----==--Ramadan Mubarak---==---
    (_¸.•'´(_¸.•'´*♥♥♥♥*`'•.¸_)`'• .¸_)
    ♥(_¸.•'´(_¸.•'´*♥♥*`'•.¸_)`'•. ¸_)♥
    ♥♥(_¸.•'´(_¸.•'´**`'•.¸_)`'•.¸ _)♥♥

    how u been keeping these days?

    tti dont feel the same without u, WAllah

    i miss u so much hun
    sorry not been textn... my phone has been stolen so dont bother texting lllol.
    i have a pin on my sim so "the person" wont be able to get in anyway.

    so yeh ill buy a new phone and inshaALlah give u my no again sumhow lol
    tc you

    and im here for u always hun'
    x x x
    Asalam alaikum my dear sisssssssssss
    how have u been?
    been missing u alot
    hope u r feelign better
    i love u sis
    take care
    walikum salam
    Wa'alikom alsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

    Don't say sorry sis- no need for it main! :D:D
    I knew that u wasn't too well therefor wanted u to know that if u need anything then u can count on me! :)

    Loll Yeah i've received it! And now i'm sendin more Love and hugz back to u hunii!
    I'm fine alhmdulilah ta'la-
    It makes me sad to hear that u r not well- inshaAllah u'll be in my dua's I promise..!
    U ARE strong inshaAllah, with Allahs help I know! :D :D:D

    U may ALWAYS remember too- that I love u too!

    Take loots care!

    wassalamo alikom :)
    Assalamo alikom sweet sis..:D:D

    How r u doing? I miss u- haven't heard from uu.. hope everythings oki honeyy?
    Remember if u need anything to talk about- I'M HERE :D:D:D:D:D (with my green smiliess)

    Loll hope to hear from u soon sis- and be patient, for it's the key to this life sweetheart!


    Tight Hugss from here- and take care lotzz..
    Assalamu Aleykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaathuh Rikku Baji. Please send a friend request to this sister. She's 15-16 years old, a convert to Islam, and she's going through stress and problems with her mother who abuses her for being Muslim, and so we need sisters who can give her support through her difficulties, and also we need to find some sisters who live in New Jersey and can take her into custody (but atleast talking to this sister can help her out), Inshallah.

    And forgive me if I've ever upset or angered you (I'll also try to get back to your messages as soon as I can, Inshallah). :(

    And Jazakillah Kyran wa Barakillahu Feeki for trying your best to help, I appreciate it Rikku Baji.

    And to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla belongs all Praise.
    hahahaha thats hilarious!

    me too amke so many silly billy mistakes lol :D
    Aw ur not well.... why?!?! :(:(:(:( im not happppy to read that sweetii :(

    well me .... urmmm im in a flood of tears lol.
    my laptops gona bust at this rate. darn it! where is the tissue box when u need it most? lol its empty so yh. ugh! i am so so sos os so kinda sad. have not had this kinda moment in some time. duno whats happeneing to my fmaily feel like we're all breaking man.

    i really wish i had u here with me :(
    havin no sisters is not good at all. *tighthug* love u so much sis

    InshaAllah sister- You'll be in my duas:tti_sister:- but I also need some duas,
    cos i'm not well too!
    But alhmdulilah ala kulli hal !

    take care..

    ps. needs some smilies from u too :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
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