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  • Salam hopeing ur okii

    take care my Superduper sweet sis:D
    love u

    x x xx x x x x x x x x x
    wassalaam :D
    Assalamo alikom warahmatullahi wbarakatuhu...

    How are u doing sister- Just want to hear from u :D :D

    Hope everything's alright- sis, if u have msn u can add mine :D (it's on tti )

    take care
    part 1

    Assalamu Aleykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaathuh Ruksana Baji. Wallahi your messages put a smile on my face, and I had to either stop myself from getting all red, or from tears breaking out from my eyes, LoL (especially it doesn't seem right that I'm 15 and I would do that), LoL.

    You don't have to worry Ruksana Baji, I'm alright, and I'm usually always alright, I was just trying to feel some peace, serenity, and happiness in my heart, and Alhamdulillah, doing Fajr Namaaz with a tone like Sheikh Sa'ad al Ghamidi('s Surah Hadeed) REALLY made me feel better.
    part 2

    And another reason of why I didn't talk to you, (Muslimah16) Asmaa Baji, or sister (Muslim_Gurl) Amatullah is because I felt that I didn't have anything special, imporant, or good to talk to you all about, so I was going to wait till I found that right time that I would be able to find something good to talk about that could Inshallah, raise our Eman and make us feel closer to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla. And Mashallah for that.

    I'm still trying hard to raise in my Eman, and trying to stay being happy, but it's kind a hard a bit (to always keep it that way, being a teenager). But Inshallah, it'll get better and easier when I grow up (since ESPECIALLY at that time, I can wear a WHOLE Afghani Qamees, a Pagree, and keep a long beard, and look like those Afghani/Kurasani Bhais, LoL ).
    part 3

    Gosh it's like SO much fun talking to all of you, Wallahi I can't explain what kind of drive I feel in my Eman when I talk to you all, because being around you all brings me into remembering Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla, because I come to talk to you all just for the Sake of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla, and I start to feel that kind of Noor and Serenity when I'm around you all (especially when I'm listening to Surah Hadeed by Sheikh Sa'ad al Ghamidi (click here!)).

    LoL Ruksana Baji you are like SO funny, LoL I just can't stop feeling extremely happy and my Eman can't stop feeling energized after I talk to you (or listen to you), (<or when I'm talking to the other sisters who I know) LoL. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla unite ALL of us in Jannah, Ameen!
    part 4

    ^And verily, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla is the possessor of the greatest bounties.

    I'm terribly sorry Ruki Baji, that I have to go right now, and I feel a bit upset in doing so, but I came to you for the sake of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla, and so I'm also leaving you (for a while though :wink:) for the sake of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla (since I've also got to move onto talking to Asma Baji right now), okay Ruki Baji? :)
    part 5

    But Wallahi, out of all of the greatest blessings that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla has given me (and I have to be truthful here, there has been a LOT of them), having you, and all the other sisters on this site to be my big sisters who I can always count on, is one of those greatest blessings (since all of you are really special to me in my heart), and I can NEVER forget all of you, and I also can't EVER stop smiling or feeling happy when I think of you all :)).

    So farewell Ruksana Baji, and know that your little (baby) brother loves you also for the sake of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla. :)

    Warahmatullahi Wabarakaathuh Wamagfiraathuh wa Fadhluhu, wa Hubuhu, Ameen! :)
    hey nice to hear from you.

    I hope you get well soon hun :(
    Man i feel so sad when i read ur not well.

    i have an eye infection lol... both my eyes gone red and its scary no more contacts for me doc said lol. i wear 'em for like 12-13 hours haha!

    love u so muhc
    get well soon make dua for me

    asalaamu'alaykum wr wb sis
    inshaALLAAH u are well
    tc sis fi amaan Allaah
    love u loadz, miss u xx
    WaAlaikum Asslaaam:D
    sister its ok...I totally understand dear.....I'll make dua for u n bro Abdul Hasib!!!
    dont worry abt not beeinnng in touch...I understand:D
    missin u toooo...hope u get better

    Allah hafiz now n alwaysss:D take care!!
    love u moreeeeee!!!!!!!! hugggsss n kisseeesssss!!!
    Salaam and helow! :D

    kayfa haaluki? :D
    hope ur okiiii just thinking of you.

    i wanted to say sorry, i cudnt text back. The thing is my fones dead lol battery died out and my charger i left at my brothers. And brother "b" is being kanjoos and not letting me borrow his lol :D so yeh....

    the wedding went well.. i got so bored after we went home lol :D
    hope to hear from yu soon inshaAllah and my mate gave salaamz loOoOoOoll :D

    tc wassalaam :D
    urs, Asmaa
    Assalamu Alaikum:D:D:D:D

    On behalf of brother Abdul Hasib:D
    Sister, our bro Abdul Hasib is having some probs....and he is unable to reply to ur msgs @ the moment. He'll inshaAllah reply wen the tyme is right as he said . make dua for him and I'll do the same inshaAllah.
    take care n Allah hafiz now and alwayss:D
    salam alikom wr. wb.

    THANK YOU! But i also love urrrrr name :D
    Every thing has it's own beauty ;) :D

    So what are u doing in ur everyday sister.. ?

    :D :D :D

    Walikom al salam wr. wb. sweet sis..

    Really nice to meet u tooo! <3

    Thank u honey- Rukii ur name is much more beautifull. ;)

    InshaAllah we'll write much more- another time :D :D


    Assalamo alikom dear sister :D

    Jazakaillahu khiran too for accepting me as friend :D

    Alhmdulilah i'm fine- how r u sister?

    Take care


    ps. u can call mee Nermin :D:D
    Hehe! Yehh I was a little bored so I thought I should pay visit!... ;)
    Give your granny a big hug and kiss from me and you have fun inshaAllah..

    Don't worry inshaAllah Rukii...I shall try not to get any bruises..but I cant promise! Lolz!
    tc Rukki...Rikku...Rukkz! looooooooooooool!

    may allah swt give you a long life and grant you jannah tul firdows thereafter! Amiin!

    Allah Hafiz!
    Assalamu Alykum Rukiiiiiii!

    Hehe! Look who it is! Lolz!
    Nice to see you again...Well nice to hear from you actually! :D

    Alhamdulilah I'm fine!
    Football at 3! i was just changing! hehe!

    I missed you as well Rukiiii....
    How are you doing??...Hope your doing super duper!...IsnshaAllah..

    TC! Big Sis!
    Your teeny weeny brother... Aboooooooooo Hurairah! Lolz!

    Wa alykum salaam warahmatulahi wabarakatuh!
    As-salaamu'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu wa maghfiratuhu!

    This is to all my sweethearts :)


    May Allah reward you all with the best reward. jazakAllah khair katheer for always being there for me and hearing me out. You guys ROCK!!
    I truly and honesy hope to meet you guys in this duniya. If not, then in the Aakhira! Ameen

    Take care my darlings
    Make dua for me please, i am in dire need of your pious duaas.

    Your Sister Asmaa

    x x x

    P.S sister Muslimah86 i hope u dont mind me "borrowing" ur idea :D
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