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  • (part 1)

    Assalamu Aleykum Waramatullahi Wabarakaathuh dearest Ruksana Baji, how are you? :( PLEASE forgive me for not talking to you or sending you messages for many many weeks dear appa, Wallahi it saddens me that you're going through so many depressing events in your life, and that I wasn't enough of a little brother to come by and try to comfort you and make you feel better, Wallahi Ruki Baji, PLEASE forgive me for what I have done. :(
    part 2

    But now, Alhamdulillah, I don't have to worry about school, so I (Inshallah) have all the time to try and talk to you Baji, and also talk to my other beloved brothers and sisters in Islam. But one reason that I actually take a long time to reply to my messages is because I like to make sure that my Eman is in a good and Firm state, so that Inshallah, my words can really benefit, inspire, and cheer up my brothers and sisters in Islam. :( But I've been trying really hard to get to this stage in my Eman, because I was on it before, but then I started slipping off a bit (slipping off from feeling really close to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla), but Alhamdulillah, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla has brought me back into the state that I want to be in, and Alhamdulillah.
    part 3

    And you have always been a supporting big sister Ruki Baji, and Alhamdulillah, it is really a great blessing from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla that he gave me such a great big sister who I was able to look up to and count on, someone who I could always dream of being like (in the way that your so beautiful in your heart and your Eman) ya Ruki Baji. And you have always been there whenever I needed someone special to talk to, and so NOW Ruki Baji, as your little brother in Islam (Mashallah :)), I feel that now it is MY duty to support and comfort you, okay Ruki Baji? :)
    part 4

    As with your problems, and your feelings of depression, Baji, there are these two main reasons why Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla gives us these feelings, one reason, is because it is a test from him, and second, because it helps us understand the reality of this life, and that we can always understand that happiness and that feeling of serenity in our hearts only comes from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla, and also due to worshipping and obeying him, which is why he shows more of his Grace and Mercy to us that he makes our minds and our hearts to open up and expand, and he makes the Love of him and his Rasul to warm our hearts, which makes our hearts to then blossom with the true feeling that we Love no one or anything more than Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla and his Rasul.
    part 5

    And also Baji, whenever you feel depressed, then what I suggest for you Ruki Baji, is try doing this:

    Try to find something to do, and no matter what ever it is, make yourself feel that you want to do this one thing JUST to Please Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla and get closer to him, Wallahi, when I do this, it starts to make me feel better, because I start feeling happier when I feel that I might have done a small deed that I hope pleases Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla.
    part 6

    And try your best to always atleast stand up in two Rak'ah of Tahajud before you sleep at night, and try your best to do everything that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla has ordered for us as Muslims to do, and if you do this, then little by little, you start getting close to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla.

    Then whenever you feel sad, or depressed. then remember to try to do a small deed, just for the Sake of Pleasing Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla, and so that it can start to make you forget about what made you sad/depressed, and then try listening to some beautiful melodious recitation of the Quran, and concentrate and stay focused, because even though you might not understand the words, then the beauty of the recitation starts to seep into your heart, and it starts soothing your heart a bit, and Alhamdulillah, it also helps bring your heart closer to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla.
    part 7

    And then by doing so, Inshallah it helps bring you closer to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla, and then THAT is what will make you feel content in your heart, for Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla has said:

    Has not the time come for those who believe that their hearts should engage in the remembrance of Allah and what has come down of the truth (from him, which is to obey and please him)?

    -Surah Hadid (57)-16
    Alright Ruki Baji? Try doing this, and see if it works out, and also, forgive me if my words were unclear (I just have bad problems in the way I talk), or if I ever upset or depressed you. :(
    part 8

    Wallahi Baji, I did not forget you at all, and by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla, you have a special place in my haert that warmths my heart whenever I see you Ruki Baji, okay? :) See, everything will be alright Ruki Baji, just keep your trust in Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla and he will ALWAYS be there for you Ruki Baji, and know that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla DOES love you, because NO FEMALE can be given such a beautiful heart from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla like you except that he loves you dearly, and so I want to make sure you always remember that, okay Ruki Baji? Always shed tears in your love for him, and he will baeutify your eyes, your face, your Eman, and your heart, and always Love Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla more than ANTHING/ANYONE and he will beautify the Noor that is in you oh Ruki Baji, and also KNOW that this Noor in you is VERY strong and extremely beautiful. :)
    part 9

    And so anyay, I have to leave right now Ruki Baji, for the sake of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla, but I just hope that my words were of a great amount of comfort to you, and that you'll be able to forgive me for what I have done, oh my dearest sister. :(

    But Jazakillah Kyran and Barakillahu Feeki for atleast taking the time to read my important message to you, Ruki Baji. I feel happy now that I have one of my beloved big sisters with me again, Wallahi it's a great blessing from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla to be blessed with great sisters like all of you here on TTI. :)

    And so for the Sake of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla, and to Please him, and to make us get closer to him, Assalamu Aleykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaathuh dearest Ruki Baji. :)
    its sad to hear ur not feeling well sis :(
    may Allaah help u sis
    may He protect u always
    fi amaan Allaah, miss u too x
    you are in my duas sis
    May ALLAH give you a fast recovery.Ameen
    Inshallah everyhting will be alright by ALLAH's mercy
    take care
    walikum salam:hearts:
    Assalaamu alaykum sis

    YEs i know :( im sorry about that sis :( inshaAllah youll be fine soon! May Allah make everything easier for you and may He ease your pain!

    Miss you so much sis inshaAllah i hope youll be back soon
    Take care of your eeman and yourself

    Love you looots sis :hearts:
    wa salaam
    Asalam alaikum sis
    just wanted to say salam and ask you how you are doing
    i miss ua lot sis
    take care
    walikum salam
    asalaamu'alaykum sis
    inshaAllaah ur well
    jus thought i'd pop by to send my greetings
    fi amaan Allaah x
    As-salaamu'alaykum how are u?

    i hope n pray ur feelin better /:)
    missin u too much man

    lots of luv cumn ur way
    take lwdza care of urself
    eat well

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