Question: Was revolting against Gaddafi legitimate according to Islam?

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Salams, every one has so much to say,
well living here for the past 22 years and living through this reveloution I can tell you one thing , I, as a muslim have the right to protect myself and my family against a tyrant who wishes to kill, rape and destroy anyone that does not agree with him with his own personal army who publicly worship him , I have lived through it and we never thought that the people of Libya would actual rebel , but Gaddafi , used anti aircraft machines guns on unarmed youths from day one , he sent merceneries to rape our young girls, he gave out drugs to his supports and encouraged them to do unhuman crimes against his own people. He has lied and spread fitna amongst the people of Libya , divied them and making them hate each other, I know many good praticing muslims who because they want to pray Fajr and have a beard have been put in prison as a fret to the state,
A lot of people suffered tremdously from all kinds of injustices every single day for the last 42 years.
Our Shk. is a very good practising muslim and he would never of told the people to defend themselves if Gaddafi didn't attack his own people.
Many people have fought for many reasons, I know if we have fought for the sake of Allah inshallah we will be rewarded for this, also this test has bought many people back to their religion and made them very strong muslims. I have been in Misrata and mashallah all you hear is the Takbir every where you go .
In the end Allah ta'laa will judge us , alhamdulilah , what path Libya will now go Allah only knows but inshallah I hope and pray it will have a much better future know Gaddafi and his sons are out of the picture.

Salaam Brother. I am also a Libyan who lives abroad. Despite living away for 13 years, I have only felt freedom when the Libyans have managed to bring Daffy down - with the help of Allah of course. I pray that I will Inshallah go back to Libya and be a positive contributor to the welfare of Libya and Muslims everywhere, Ameen. :salam2:


Junior Member
Bis'mi Lleh,

We've been had! Somebody had put in our brains that bey'ah is an equivalent of voting. I say somebody, because if you read in scholars' books, I mean real scholars not TV revolutionaries, you'll have a different perspective of bey'ah.

In fact, bey'ah doesn't mean choosing a ruler, at least not by the people.

Bey'ah means allegiance to the Muslim ruler. The Muslim ruler who'se in charge, in power over the people, is obeyed. Period.

It doesn't matter how he was raised to power, who raised him, was it just or not, he killed half his people. It's not the point here. He is Muslim, he is in charge, he must be obeyed. But obeyed only if his orders comply with sharia. If they don't, disobedience is duty.

Disobedience, not rebellion.

Rebellion will cause the people much more harm and suffering than what the unjust ruler can cause them.

Libya is your perfect painful example: 30 000 dead people at least. Kaddafi couldn't possibly kill a similar number even if he was to rule for 210 years.


Junior Member
Somebody had put in our heads that bey'ah is voting. I say somebody, because if you read in scholars' books, I mean real scholars not TV revolutionaries, you'll have a different perspective of bey'ah.

In fact, bey'ah doesn't mean choosing a ruler.

Bey'ah means allegiance to the Muslim ruler. The Muslim ruler who'se in charge, in power over the people, is obeyed. Period.

It doesn't matter how he was raised to power, who raised him, was it just or not, he killed half his people. It's not the point here. He is Muslim, he's in charge, he must be obeyed. But obeyed only if his orders comply with sharia. If they don't, disobedience is duty.

Disobedience, not rebellion.

Rebellion will cause the people much more harm and suffering than what the unjust ruler can cause them.

Libya is your perfect painful example: 30 000 dead people at least. Kaddafi couldn't possibly kill a similar number even if he was to rule for 210 years.

They are martyrs Inshallah. How many millions dies in WW1 and WW2? What was the purpose? to bring about the new world order. Those 30,000 inshallah did not die in vain. The prophet SAW and his followers had to suffer before they were granted victory. I do pray that all of that was for the sake of Allah.



sister in Islam
Somebody had put in our heads that bey'ah is voting. I say somebody, because if you read in scholars' books, I mean real scholars not TV revolutionaries, you'll have a different perspective of bey'ah.

In fact, bey'ah doesn't mean choosing a ruler.

Bey'ah means allegiance to the Muslim ruler. The Muslim ruler who'se in charge, in power over the people, is obeyed. Period.

It doesn't matter how he was raised to power, who raised him, was it just or not, he killed half his people. It's not the point here. He is Muslim, he's in charge, he must be obeyed. But obeyed only if his orders comply with sharia. If they don't, disobedience is duty.

Disobedience, not rebellion.

Rebellion will cause the people much more harm and suffering than what the unjust ruler can cause them.

Libya is your perfect painful example: 30 000 dead people at least. Kaddafi couldn't possibly kill a similar number even if he was to rule for 210 years.

Salams Brother,
Gaddafi by his own admition is not the leader of the Libyan people as he has said he does not have a seat to step down from,he was the leader of La fata revelution in 1969,
from his own Green book he tells us that the people of the country rule themselves, he is not priminster or any thing else, he is a tryrant who belives it is his God given to own Libya for him and his sons, this is nothing to do with wali umr.


sister in Islam
Salams I have found what Gadaffi himself has said about his position here in Libya

“Muammar Qaddafi is the leader of the revolution, I am not a president to step down … This is my country. Muammar is not a president to leave his post. I have not yet ordered the use of force, not yet ordered one bullet to be fired … when I do, everything will burn…. From tonight to tomorrow, all the young men should form local committees for popular security…. wear a green armband to identify yourselves. The Libyan people and the popular revolution will control Libya.”



Junior Member
Okhti umm mostapha, may the Lord comfort you in your grief, you and our people in Libya. Adherence to the word of God and to the wisdom of His Prophet is the only way to salvation. What we think and wish can go to the wind if it doesn't agree with sharia.

Unfortunately, your problem isn't solved yet. The people who rebelled against Kaddafi have different plans than the youth who died for it's completion. It's always like that: Revolutions are prepared by the smart and fought by the foolish. I don't mean self-defense, mind you.

That's why the Almighty ordered in His wisdom and mercy: O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the messenger and those of you who are in authority; and if ye have a dispute concerning any matter, refer it to Allah and the messenger if ye are (in truth) believers in Allah and the Last Day. That is better and more seemly in the end. An-Nisaa, 59.

But we referred it to the revolutionaries and look where we are now.


sister in Islam
Brother, assalamualikum ,the people were forced to defend themselves against Gaddafi, he told them if anyone went against him he would kill them and thier families and that is what he did, as on the whole they are a very peaceful and tolerant nation, I agree things are a mess but I hope and pray that Allah ta'laa will guide us all to a better future, and that the bloodshed will not be in vain.
I think unless some one has lived here for a while it is very hard to understand the mentality of this man and also the people who live here , I think I have said enough now on this subject and will leave Allah ta'laa to be the judge,


sister in Islam
Salams Again,
Plus Brother he was going to wipe out his own people if he was allowed to do so,do we stand by and do nothing, yes there are others with other agenders but we know that , for the most peole I have met they thank Allah ta'laa for helping them to fight this evil.

One other point I would like to make is that the people took up arms to defend themselves from Gaddafis men, not because they "are foolish revolutionaries" ,as they showed no mercy to any one, I have many , many stories of the peoples suffering which I will not go into now and they were not revolutionaries.
We had to join hands to help our brother and sisters in their time of great need.

Alhamdulliah he planned but Allah ta'laa is the best of planners.


Junior Member

Dear sister , our hearts are with you, may Allah protect you and your family and all people of Libyia, If we study Islam we understand that It is against oppression , arrogance , selfishness, ..........all kinds of evil . We must take Islam in it s complete form. Nothing in Islam supports Unjustice, we should return to the pure Islam which teaches us how to have a fair ruler by Islamic means not by guns, and force . I mean did Gadaffy came to power in Islamic way so that we can judge Islam to defend him. I think what is going on is a turning point in muslem countries towards justice, freedom, equality among people............real Islamic values that has been ignored for centuries .

Abu Talib

Feeling low
Salams Again,
Plus Brother he was going to wipe out his own people if he was allowed to do so,do we stand by and do nothing, yes there are others with other agenders but we know that , for the most peole I have met they thank Allah ta'laa for helping them to fight this evil.

One other point I would like to make is that the people took up arms to defend themselves from Gaddafis men, not because they "are foolish revolutionaries" ,as they showed no mercy to any one, I have many , many stories of the peoples suffering which I will not go into now and they were not revolutionaries.
We had to join hands to help our brother and sisters in their time of great need.

Alhamdulliah he planned but Allah ta'laa is the best of planners.

Please don't worry about what people say, what you people did was right and that psycho has left libya and his stooges are just playing his recorded messages. Your absolutely right this mental guy was ready to wipe out his own people to be in power. I am proud of the Tripoli brigade who covertly did the job of liberating Tripoli. Bani Walid will also be liberated soon its just because Gaddafis men have taken civilians as human shield its slowing our advance and also the snipers.

I hope the special team formed to hunt down Gaddafi is successful soon.


New Member

Sister Hayat, based on what you said in Islam you can not make takfeer against someone. You need proofs and strong ones. And that even scholars have to do the job, not you and me. But yes there is a verse in the Quran about those who replace Allaah's law with their own laws.

This partly wrong.

Anyone who prays to other than Allah is a kafir (non-Muslim). It is not the case that a person must be taken to an Islamic court to be judged as a kafir (non-Muslim). What if someone comes up to you and says that he's Muslim. Then later (after being affected by christians) says that Allah is Jesus. This is without a doubt kufr, and, thus, the person is a kafir. You do not wait until that person is taken to a Muslim court to be judged as a kafir. According to that deviant belief, the person is a Muslim before they are taken to the court (because they say the person isn't a kafir until the so called Islam court judges)! There are only two states: Muslim or non-Muslim. There is no middle or third state. So, according to that deviant notion, the person is a Muslim for believing that Prophet Jesus is Allah, which is absurd. Muslims pray to The Creator, not the creation. It is not the case that a person must be taken to an Islamic court to be judged as a kafir (non-Muslim).

Whoever steals is a thief.
Whoever lies is a liar.
Whoever commits kufr is a kafir (even if it was one act, saying, or belief, examples: such as knowingly throwing the Qur'aan in the trash, or saying Allah is Jesus, or believing that Allah is Jesus)

There is no judge needed to know any of these. The person who commits kufr is without a doubt a kafir. The one who fails to label the person as a kafir does not know the boundary between iman and kufr, and thus if they don't call that person a kafir it is as if they are saying that the kufr is valid/not prohibited. This is kufr in and of itself - to call that which is kufr halaal (permissible). This is similar to the previous scenario - if someone doesn't judge the person who believes Jesus is Allah is a kafir, the person himself is a kafir.


Junior Member

Let me share with you what i found on the matter.

Q : As you know, United Nations made a decision to attack Libya these days. It is mentioned that Muslim countries are supporting this decision indirectly. There is an urgent need for a scholar’s opinion. My question is that : Even though a Muslim country is ruled by a cruel dictator, is it permitted for Muslim countries to support non-Muslim forces to attack a Muslim country. Can we find an example for this situation in Quran or in relatings from our Prophet?

A : Because of the rebellion wave in various parts of Libya, the government uses violence to put it down. United Nations declared Libya as no-fly zone and organized air strikes in American leadership which caused a lot more death. It is an unacceptable fault for Muslims that this decision is made upon Arab Unity’s request, which is gathered in Egypt. In such situations, it is necessary to fix the relations between belligerent parties. Allah orders:

Hence, if two groups of believers fall to fighting, make peace between them; but then, if one of the two [groups] goes on acting wrongfully towards the other, fight against the one that acts wrongfully until it reverts to Allah’s commandment; and if they revert, make peace between them with justice, and deal equitably [with them]: for verily, Allah loves those who act equitably! All believers are but brethren. Hence, [whenever they are at odds,] make peace between your two brethren, and remain conscious of Allah, so that you might be graced with His mercy. (Al-Hujurat/ The Chambers 49/9-10)

Maintaining an attitude which Allah forbids, instead of obeying Allah, is unacceptable. Allah orders that relations with non-Muslims must be like in the following verse:

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. O you Prophet, seek protection in Allah, and follow not the wishes of the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, Wise. And follow that which is revealed to you from your Lord. Verily Allah is well aware of what you do. (Al-Ahzab/The Allies 33/1-3)


sister in Islam
Barakallahufikum brothers and sisters for your support, may Allah ta'laa continue to help and guide us all and keep us firmly on the stright path . Ameen

user expired!

Junior Member

It seems some us here are actually defending Ghaddafi? I can't believe it.
Can you imagine a Muslim defending Phir'own?

Lets see what the Libyan Scholars have to say, as they are the ones calling to dawah on the ground and also have the best knowledge of what is going on. Also as they are people of knowledge i am sure they will understand the situation better then us and also undertand how different Hadiths we are all posting have relevence depending on the situation.


sister in Islam

It seems some us here are actually defending Ghaddafi? I can't believe it.
Can you imagine a Muslim defending Phir'own?

Lets see what the Libyan Scholars have to say, as they are the ones calling to dawah on the ground and also have the best knowledge of what is going on. Also as they are people of knowledge i am sure they will understand the situation better then us and also undertand how different Hadiths we are all posting have relevence depending on the situation.

Barakallahufik brother for the above information for our brothers and sisters to see, I can't understand why people are still questioning if it was right to defend ourselves from this evil person and his supporters.
The people here in Libya have a saying that even the Devil himself has left Gaddafi as he is so evil!!!!


Junior Member

It seems some us here are actually defending Ghaddafi? I can't believe it.
Can you imagine a Muslim defending Phir'own?

Lets see what the Libyan Scholars have to say, as they are the ones calling to dawah on the ground and also have the best knowledge of what is going on. Also as they are people of knowledge i am sure they will understand the situation better then us and also undertand how different Hadiths we are all posting have relevence depending on the situation.

Thanks for the link above. I think those people who are not sure if they should defend Daffy or not are not well informed of the situation in Libya and the events taking place over there.


sister in Islam
Thanks for the link above. I think those people who are not sure if they should defend Daffy or not are not well informed of the situation in Libya and the events taking place over there.

salams I am in total agreement with you brother


May Allah Forgive us

It is as brother Ninowy said. If his kufr is apparent and is a major kufr then no doubt he is a Kafir. Thus rebellion against him is legitimate. All I wanted to know was to somebody come and tell me specifically this is the kufr of Gaddaffi and that is why he is a kaafir. You can't come and say that murder and oppression makes someone a kaafir. That is why I clarified in the beginning of the thread that no judgement based on emotions.


May Allah Forgive us

Our brothers and sisters are facing a kaafir regime by no doubt, but no muslim countries are helping. Qatar was very quick to dispatch jets to impose a no fly zone on Libya, where as only cutting of diplomatic ties with the Alawi regime in Syria.
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