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  • wa alaykum salaam wa rahmatullah shunna

    bala aso ni? so sorry for late reply ive been very busy with uni so i dont come on tti very often :( and you dont have msn and u dont want to use fb so i guess we can only use tti :( inshaAllah ill try to come more often
    misss youuuuuuu
    love you:hearts:
    wa salaaaaam
    wa allaykum sallam sister
    im ok kinda sis.... hardly come online dow........
    wohoooooooo!!!!! :D inshaAllah lol
    yh sis been a long time i hope you are doing
    well inshaAllah miss you
    take care wasallam
    ameen yarab, <3
    aww sis ok have a good night inshaAllah and sweet dreams
    muaah big hugs
    ameen to ur duas jazaakillahu khayran
    may Allah give u the same and more
    love u always xoxo
    may Allah protect u always
    uhibbuki fillah
    wa salaam
    PS : ji oi tumi dongor
    ami dongor nai :D
    hahahaha sissssss tumi zeh dongor :D:D:D mashaAllah

    ok inshaAllah tomorrow we can :D:D
    ameen to ur duas baarakallahu fik
    wa iyyakiiiiii shunaaaaaaaa

    hahaha just saw ur message on mukhbook hahahaha sis u know mook in arabic it means ''your mum'' hahahaha :D
    fb does always that to me :( sometimes ppl even send messages in my inbox and it doesnt send notification :(:( makhal fb :D:D:D
    hahahaha i thought the fact that ur msn aint workin anymore u do ur coursework :D:D:D:D:D

    yeees inshaAllah we can open a topic...hmmm subject? :D zani na, hmm lemme think abt it :D maybe somethin abt haya :D

    hmm now im writing to u :D i will do a thing for school inshaAllah while waintg for ur answer :D:D:D:D

    tumi tired ni? :D

    love uuuuuuuu
    wa alaykumu salaam chanuuuuuuu :D:D:D:D

    bala aso ni go? :D
    ji na, tumar arbi zeh bala re go :D:D:D mashaAllah
    amar bangla khub bala nai :D
    inshaAllah youll be accepted at the uni u want! may Allah grant u all you wiiiiiiiiiish!
    sis u told me on fb to check my vm abt a thread but i dont see anythign :D:D:D did i miss something :D:D:D
    uni life is boring :( i hate it :D:D:D i have 3 labs per week :( which means 9 hours in a lab :( its sooooo boring :( :D:D:D kheyr inshaAllah
    and noooooooo sis u never bore me, tumi zeh dongor mashaAllah :D:D:D:D aro write khoro :D
    love youuuuuu
    may Allah al wadooood love u
    miss you shunnaaaaaaa
    boro anjaaaaaa <3
    wa alaykumu salaam wa rahmatullah shunaaaaaaaa :D:D:D
    hahaha i think maybe oshubidha is the shudho word for it? :D ami ki jaani! :D
    im happy to hear ur geting ur homework done because im not getting mine done hahahahaha :D would you do it for me? :D ill chat for u on msn haha activity exchange :D
    ameen to your duas shuna jazaakillahu khayran. may Allah bless you and all your family,
    sisi is my name hahaha daknaam! :D hiba gave it to me :D cuz when she was smaller she couldnt pronounce my name properly hehe ! tumar daaknaam kitha? :D channa? khali channa? :D:D
    wa fiki barakaAllah sis. may Allah give u happiness in dunia and akhirah and all ur fam
    ami miss khori tumareh :( i hope we can meet in london inshaAllah soon i might come in end of april yipieeeeeeee :D:D:D:D
    uhibbuki fillaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
    big huggggggggggggggggg sisssssssss
    boroooooooo anja :D
    Wa'alaykum salaam my shunna bunna! :D

    Am well main, how is my cutey wutey nnawty sis? :D
    I missed you BARE man lol ;) seriously

    InshaAllah and pray for me too :)

    Wassalam D:
    whats wrong with ur msn shuna :D:D:D is it because you cant use an old version or is there a ''oshubida'' in your computer :D:D:D:D

    misssssssssssssssssssss you shunaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    big hugggggggggggggggggggggggs
    love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
    fi amaaani Llah
    <3 <3
    wa alaykumu salaaaaaaaaam wa rahmatullah shunaaaaaaaaaaaa bunaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    hahaha naa sis ami dongor nai, tumi zeh dongor! :D:D:D
    yes sweet roshogullas made me sleep at 2 lollll i was going maaaaaaad! i was tired but couldnt sleeep ! haha
    yumzzzz the pasta with tuna! is it the recipe u gave me a few months ago? cuz i tried it remember? and my dad really liked it mashallah!! :D:D:
    baguette? haha u speak french nowwwwwwww :D:D:D:D
    family is all well alhamdulillah, jazaakillahu khayran for asking amar shuna! :D:D:D hiba spoke to me on phone and said ''i love sisi (=me) :D, baba, mama, hiba, but i don't love jiji (silly jihane :D:D ) hahaha pooorrrrrrrrr jiji! :D:D:D
    hahaha you too enjoying sleeping a lot during holidays? :D:D:D dont worry, im going back to school on monday too inshaAllah :( sooooooooooooo not fair!! :( i hate school :D:D:D:D
    missssssssssssssssss u loaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaads
    big hugggggggggggs (hahaha i was abt to type b instead of h, so it wouldve been big bugs :D haha big insects :D:D) nyways i better go sleep now cuz hoho im getting crazy :D:D
    wa salaaaaaaaaam
    wa alaykumu salaam amar shona :D:D:D

    basboussah? its yummy desserts :D:D:D hmmm its like semolina cake :D with syrup yumzzzzzzzzz
    i had spicy food on that day :D:D:D and today too i went at this bengali ppl's and had mutton curry and chicken curry and veggie curry and fish curry and pakora and roshogulla and mishti doi and brownie cake and coke and water :D:D:D oh and i forgot salad :D:D toooooooooo much right :D:D i was sooooooo full after i couldnt even move :D:D:D and they said its like this in bengali gatherings ''eat as much as you can'' :D:D:D but oh well it wwas worth it it was sooooooooooooooooooooooo yummy mashallah :D and very spicy too
    theyre from sylhet too :D:D haha i understood a few words that u taught me :D:D
    and how are u sis :D:D hows cooking :D
    hows ur fam and sweet abid
    inshaAllah ull get accepted at uni in the program u want
    may Allah make everything easier for u
    wa alaykumu salaam shunna
    may Allah make everythign easier for you and may He grant u all u wish
    love you alwayyyyyyys
    im here just fnished my exams alhamdulillah :D:D:D:D im now freeeeeeeeeeeee
    im invited for lunch yumzzzzzzzzzzz
    i will tell u what i ate later :D inshaAllah
    i prepared basboussah u know it? :D:D:D
    love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
    bala ni? :D:D
    assalaamu alaykum amar shona :D
    aww may Allah make everythin easier for u
    i have 3 big exams next week, plz make duas for meeeeeeeeee
    im well aljhamdulillah jazaakillahu khayran for askin amar shona! tumi bala aso ni? tumar ma, baf, bhai ar boin bala asoiyn ni?
    :D ami carrot cake ar stawberry white choco muffins khaysi annnnnd lasagna :D:D:D ar tumi? kita khayso? :D:D:D
    sharing recipes with others? hmmm who? :D::D:D:D i cant even remember loooooool
    yeeees in the beginning of february it will be 1 year we've known each other inshaAllah :) yipieeeeeeeeeee :D
    miss u soo much amar shunna :( inshaAllah i hope we will speak soon
    ameen to ur duas jazaakillahu khayrn.wa iyyakiiiiii
    bigggggggggggg hugggggggggg
    wa salaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam

    JazakAllah khair for your super sweet msgs.

    Was thinkin of ringin u today, but i aint sure wat tym you're back from col

    Love you.
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