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  • assalaamu alaykum sis sweeeeeeeetieeeeeeeeeeeee :D:D:D

    Ameeeen!! :D:D
    wa fiki barakaAllah shunnaaa :D

    yeah its been almost a month we havent spoken :( :( miss you sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much man!!

    you HAVE to acccept it sis :D:D:D i love you mooooooooooooooooooooooooreee

    ameen to your duas jazaakillahu khayran
    wa iiyyaaaki hun

    misssssss you :D:D:D
    wa saaaaaaaalaaaam
    assalaaaaaaaaaaaaamu alaykum amar shunaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    tumi khoiii? kemon acho? :D:D:D:D
    aww sis how come fb distracts u a lot? i see u join lots of religious groups thats good mashaAllah
    nothing new sis :D:D:D ar tumar ki khobor? :D:D:D
    jazaakillahu khayran my shunna ur sooo swwwwwwwwweeet
    man youre like roshmalai :D:D::D
    may Allah bless u and ur family and may He protect u always and make u among His pious servants in jannatul firdaws

    misssssssss u and love uuuuuuuuuuuuu moooooooooooooore amar shunna
    and you GOT to accept this :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D because its the truth ;) :D:D:D:D
    misss u
    bigggggggggggggg hugs
    wa salaaaaaaam
    ameeeeeeen ya rab

    jazaakillahu khayran shunna bunna amar mishti soto boin. :D:D:D

    hahaha ur the one who makes moi laugh a lot mashallah :D:D love u always xoxox
    tc sissssss
    love u alwayssssssssssss
    and love umoooooore
    and misss u mooooooooooore :D
    may ALLAH bless u and protect u always
    love u loaaaaaaads hun

    hey sis why delete fb :( :( ill miss u there :( :D:D
    love u
    big hug
    wa salaaaaam :D
    hahahah subhanallah sis we thought of ''dongor" at the same moment :D:D
    i loooooooooooove u amar shunnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :hearts:
    chalo hun i have to study :( ami studyin bala fai na :(
    inshallah speak to u soooooon
    biiiiiiig huggggggggs
    muahhhhhhhhhhhhhh :D:D:D
    wa salaam
    ameen ya rab

    :D:D:D na sis i cant make u laugh :D ur the one who does mashaaAllah ;) right tumi zehhhhhhhh dongor :D:D:D
    hahahahahahaha :D he took the apple away from ur mum? hahaha that mustve been soooooooo cute mashallah :D:D

    naa sis
    eta oshombhob :D
    ami tumareh aro miss kori :D
    ami isweet nai :D:D:D tumi zehhhhhhhhh issweeeeeeeeeeeet mashallah
    wa anti min ahli ljaza' hun :D:D:D

    hiba, ma, baff, ukht are all well alhamdulillah :D:D baarakallahu fik hun :D:D
    yeahhhhhh mashaAllah abid must be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lovely man :D:D can i eat him in my sandwich? :D:D
    i have this friend called khadija shes got a 5 months old baby hes sooooooooooooooooooooooooo swweet ! i told her i wanted him in my couscous :D:D:D
    ami tumareh aro miss kori :(:(
    abid bala ase ni? ar tumar ma? tumar abbu? ar tumar bon ar bhai?
    hokol bala asoyin ni??
    Assalaamu alaykum shunna bunna :D:D:D:D

    hahahahaha thanks for allowing me to make fun of plough! :D:D:D what was the other one? once you said something like that too loool mashaallah shunnaaaaaaaa! :D:D:D
    Ok ill mail u the prezzie inshaAllah :D:D:D:D
    ameen to ur dua wa iyyak
    jazaakillahu khayran
    love uuuuuuuuuuu
    wa salaaaaaaaaaaaaam :D:D:D
    Assalaamu alaykum amar shunna :D:D:D
    tumi khoi? :( i miss u sooo sooo sooo much :(
    yummmmmmm you had plough for eid? :D:D:D i hope u dont mind me jokin abt that word hahaha :D sowwi shunna :$
    busyyy? khene??? :D:D schoolwork? :D
    aww shunna ur soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sweet mashaAllah
    jazaakillahu khayrannnn
    im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy abt the eid gift woooooooohoooooooooooooo :D:D:D:D
    big big hugs shunnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    me too i got one for you :D but i dont want to post it on a vm :D i wanted to give it to u online :( shall i send it on fb? :D or pm? :D let me know inshaAllah :D:D:D:D:D:D

    eid mubarak huniiiiiiiiiiii
    love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu more
    wa salaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam amar shunnaaaaaaaa :D:D
    assalaamu alaykum shunna
    :( oh u have sore throat? :(
    inshaAllah ull be better soon
    may Allah give u shifa
    love u and miss u soooooo much
    big big hugs
    my day wwas ok alhamdulillah, jazaakillahu khayran for askin
    i had a snack at auntie Aisha's house (moroccan parathas kind of, cookies and tea :D) and then i had lunch with her and sophia , we had meat with raisins and onions yumzzzz :D:D:D and thats it, we spent the afternoon talking and talking...etc..:D
    i couldnt go for salah though :( i had to go to school in the morning :( and it was compulsory :(
    and u shunna
    kitha khorso? :D:D
    love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
    miss u lots
    wa salammmmmmmmmm
    Im glad u like it :D:D:D
    May Allah(swt) Bless you and ur family with countless blessings and happiness (amen)!!!

    walikumsalam! *hug*
    asslaamu alaykum shunna

    awww :(
    may Allah give u shifa :(:(
    inshallah ur in my duas
    love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
    eid mubaarak and jumuah mubaarak amar shunaaaaaaaa
    love uuuuu
    wa salaaaaam
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