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  • salam alikumdear beloved sister

    how r u ?? i miss u so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? where have u disapear all that long time r u okeyyyyyyyyyy i need to talk with u
    awwww sis thats so sweeet yaar :)

    but i need to go :(
    make dua for my "mother inlaw" tabiyat kuch sahih nahi hain.. :(
    had to go hospital and everyone was so upset :(

    wedding myt get delayed, duno wats happening..
    she had a heart attack :(

    love u pls make du'a yaar
    tc im off x x x
    LOL... :D

    wajup wid me...? .. the white cieling with a fan light lol :D
    me on MSN too lol

    Aww ur going :(
    so sad.. gona miss ya sis lots
    take care love u
    x x x

    Wassalaam :D
    obviously we are TWINS! :D loOoOoOoOoll

    sis my mate went offline lol :D hehehe
    Alhumdulillah loOoOoOll..
    im chattin to a long lost mate on MSN who got marrried and went off and never kept in touch so im just shouting at her loOoOoll :D

    bout u sisssssiii? :D
    yeh we started it agen.. and wat huh...?! and wat..? watcha gona dooooooo?
    loOoOoOoOoll :D
    sis I gtg:(:(
    subhanaAllah....I had loads of fun talking to you sweeeeety:D
    inshaAllah hope to see you here more, so we can be HAPPI couple..lo0ol(plz NOT like that)lo0o0o0ol....iam kiddin:D
    k, gtg:D
    Allah hafiz now and always:D:D:D:D:D
    aaaaaaaaaaawww...subhanaAllah I knw walahi:D the LOVE will always remain!subhanaAllah:D truely this LOVE is no other than the pure LOVE which is for Allah's sake ONLY!!! that is why it'll REMAIN forever,n ever,n ever,n ever!!!!:D
    yea, same here dear, and thanks for taking *the FACT that I love u more*lo0o0o0o0ol
    hehe, I I wont forget
    here it goes
    lo0o0ol, u have got no word...aaawwwwwwww....I knw hw u feeling:D:D:D:D and thanks for the greenies:D:D:D:D
    behns, dont feel's cool:D we'll always LOVE you no matter wat......even if u come back a year later:) we'll always be here for no sorries ok:D:D:D:D
    aha....well, it's possible with my jst take it...coz I do love u even MORE!!!!:D
    inshaAllah we'll be in touch ukhti:D
    love u toooo:D:D:D:D
    aaawww, AlhamduliAllah I am good:D thanks for askin dear behna:D
    yeah, come back for us inshaAllah:D
    hey, dont be sorry abt anythin aint a big deal, I knw why u were not in dont be sorry okiedokie dear??:D:D:D
    lo0o0l.....missed u even MORE:D:D:D
    inshaAllah...u keep smillin tooo:D
    subhanaAllah, I am happi to see ur msg walahi....wait I am happpi to seeeeeeeeee *you*
    now, give me some greenies will ya?:D:D:D:D
    love u morer:Dlo0ol
    Allah hafiz now and always!!:D
    Asslamu Alaikum(don't wanna forget it like last time)lo0o0ol

    sooo happi to seee you:D:D:
    wohoooooooooooooooooooo:D hw r u???
    man, I missed you ALOT! come in, post something n be OFFICALLY BACK:D will ya:D we missed you ALOT!!!!
    well, atleast keep in touch okiedokie:D
    mere piyaari behna:D:D:DD:
    Allah hafiz now and always:D
    Asalamu alaykum

    Alhmadulilah i'm great ukhti:D jazak Allahu khayra for asking:) Aww i missed you too ukhti. Hope you spend alot of time here and post something. I remember last summer, you use to post alot and they were awesome posts.:ma: Love you dear ukkti and take care:):):):D:D:D:hearts:

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