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  • Asalamu alaykum sis ruki

    how are you doing? it's been ages since you came online much lately. I hope you are in good health and iman ukhti. how are enjoining your summer?:D I missed you so much and your post too. come back for us ukhti..........:hearts: Love ya... and take care dear ukhti:D:D:D:D

    hehe! ;) baby sitting! what a nightmare! lool at least you had a nice time with mates! alhamdulilah!

    yehh its hot but alhadmulilah its nice for a change! subhanallah!
    haha yehh im playin football tomorrow inshaAllah...actually today! lol!

    you take care as well! and keep in touch! hehe! :D :D

    allah hafiz now and always... :) :)
    subhanallah! subhanallah!

    im glad you are kinda ok! ;) may allah swt make *proper* ok! hehe!

    alhamdulilah doing great!
    my day today..well had a trip in the morning to Leeds Uni...and thats about it! hehe!

    but who cares about that! lol
    how have you been keeping lately???... :) :)
    assalamu alykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!

    my dear sister are you?? its been sooo long...I sincerely hope all is well inshaAllah and you are making a steady recovery...

    may allah swt make it easy..ameen :) :) :)

    subhanallah! so happy to see you! :D
    take care
    hope to hear from you soon!

    wa'alykum salaam warahmatulalhi wabarakauh!
    oh my sweet heart! you're NEVER absent from my duas! and inshaAllah I will keep asking Allah UNTIL you feel GUD! I am soo happi to knw that u r smilling, may Allah keep that way always! *HUG*
    Sis, I am doing gud AlhamduliAllah, jst missed you yaar:D walahi, I missed u so very much, hope u get better
    lo0ol, yea, walahi wen I seen ur name,I was jst aaah so happi, cant even describe this feelin man, SubhanaAllah!
    I LOVE u MORER!!!! walahi I doo, and I am missing u soo very much, I ask Allah to make u feel better so u can come bak to us my sweet behna:D
    MERE pyaaaaaaaaaaaaaari too
    Allah hafiz now and always:D
    misses..? :p Miss ;) hahahahah :D:D

    ameen wa iyyaki
    i hope to chat soon too twiiinn :D
    i am havn exams gt 4 left :D from a total of 17 haha Alhumdulilah
    make dua for me :)

    i love u more! :angryblue: learn to accept some facts! haha :D kiddiing
    i might go off so pls do excuse me

    missed u soOoOo much sis u hav no idea
    love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

    x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
    "kiss kiss" :D

    take good care of yourself dear pls :)


    how are uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu??
    im better Alhumdulillah, and ur not well..? :(:(:(:(:(
    why sis..? wasSsuuuup?

    miss u and love u more
    x x x
    so hapii to see ur msg yaar :)
    aaaaaaaah, loook who is baCK:D:D:D:D
    o0oh ma I am sooo happi to see you!:D
    how u doing?? how is everything?
    oh ma,I am sooooooooooooooooooooo happi to see u here, my sweeeeeeeeeeet behna!
    MisSsing you :(

    Hope you become "active" again soon enough inshaAllah

    take good care of yourself sis
    x x x

    MisSsing the good old days on MSN man :(
    hope we both get well soon .. so much to tell you ukhtii and catch up on

    love you so much sis


    Hey! i learnt some sentences in bengali loOoOoOoll :D
    "amaar shundur boin" and some other ones but i cant re-call ATM lol
    ill let u figure that one out seen as tho ur bengali s.u.c.k.s and ur grandma has a go at you coza tha :p

    hey hows ur cuzn..? i hope shes well now inshaAllah

    Was-salaam again :redface:
    sis no worries..there is nothign to fogive and don't be soory yaar..I understand ..just wanted to make sure if you were okay
    inshallah sis I will make tons of dua for you.
    MAY ALLAH make everything better for u.AMeen
    Inshallah ALLAH will heal you of whatever u r goign through
    take it easy sis
    take care
    inshallah talk to u soon
    hugs and kisses
    walikum salam
    Asalam alaikum behna
    how r u?
    i hope u r doign better
    i miss u so much
    i miss ur smile and ur funny answers
    inshallah we will talk soon
    u r in my duas sis
    MAy ALLAH heal you.Ameen
    take care
    Put ur trust in him only sis...inshallah He will surely help u
    walikum salam
    Asslam'u Alykum sister,

    It's good to hear that; we never fail when we put Trust in Him Almighty. I know it's been quite a long time I spoke to you, so how are things now for you? I hope it's better, Insha'Allah!

    Asalaamu'alaykum sis.

    inshaAllaah ur doing well

    Just thought I'd pop by and give my greetings. May Allaah protect u sis. I love u sis :) Fi amaan Allaah x x x :) x
    AAmeen wa iyyaki
    twins temme bout it

    hey im off now
    tc sis
    glad to hear i dont disturb u


    so sad to hear ur not well
    last niighhttt i was gonna call ya but i dint wana disturbu .. u got a lot on ur mind too these days so thot forget it man. really wanted to talk to you.

    if u can cum on msn pls do
    im not too good :( pata nahi yaar kya ho raha hain

    love u so much
    and dont be sowii pls

    x x x

    MY sweet sis wher are uuuuuu..?
    ur not even returning my calls are u ok..? :(

    im missin u a lot yaar
    kya huwa..? wats up..?

    hows ur health hmm..? pls say ur ok :(
    missin my twin a lot

    luv ya hunn
    pls make dua fr my exams they're ongoing

    x x x
    Assalaamu alaykum sis

    Im missing you so much :( :(
    I hope youre feeling well and in the best of health and eeman.
    InshaAllah youre in my duas

    I love you so much sis :hearts: Please take good care of yourself
    May Allah ease your pain and make everythin easier for you

    Wa salamu alaykum
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