How did you came to know TTI??????


Travelling towards my grave.
assalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh respected brothers and sisters...

I am actually a curious person you know. Today, I am wondering how did you found this great forum of Turn To Islam? Well I came to know about it from a friend.

Turn To Islam is seriously one of the best websites I have ever seen. JazakAllahu khair brother Mabsoot for doing such a wonderful work to wake up the Muslim Ummah and to call Muslims and Non-Muslims to the real beauty of Islam. May Allah (subuhaanahu wata'aala) make this a long lasting Sadaqa and make this way for you to enter al-Firdausul A'la. I include All the Moderators and Members also in this dua.

Okey so here is your turn. How did you came to know about Turn To Islam?

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


Junior Member
Asalam alaik warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

I second that Channa. I was going through a phase of reading up about muslim countries like Iraq, etc. Many lies about Islam and I wonder if its true women are so oppressed! Thus I took a step forward and found out they had videos on YouTube on reverts. And Voila!

I was really cautious though cos things weren't always pretty on the net. But TTI totally prove otherwise. So JazakAllaah khair for the founder, moderators, contributors and brothers and sisters for everything. We have learnt sooooo much :D:D:D


Junior Member

i came across TTI after watching several 'revert' videos and i was really touched by them so i joined TTI to watch more...and subhanallah it wasn't the only thing i did :) :)

cool thread :biggrin:



Junior Member
salam alikom

i come to konw about tti via searching through youtube about islam and people turn to islam specially singers , and alhamdolillah i find out tti , which pave me the way to konw a lot about islam aaqidah , may allah bless people behide its exisence all the moderators
and members of tti and special thanks to brother Mabsoot for his efforts he made to give life to this webset may allah reward him aljannah..., may allah bless them all with his mercy and guide us all to the right path ameen..........

salam alikom


aka Tree2008
As Salamo Alaikome...

I became a believer because I read Quran. After I decided Islam was the truth I felt a NEED very strong to know more about this beautiful religion so I searched on the internet and found TTI. I have been so inspired by the members here and even though some of what is posted is not important to Islam I feel there is more really informational and important posts by the members here at TTI so I will remain a member forever and inshallah will continue to learn.

I am really amazed at the knowledge of everyone here and this inspires me to want to know more and more. Jazakallah Khairan to all here at TTI who never tire of teaching about Islam. Reverts and even born Muslims are benefitting from this website..........may Allah be pleased. Ameen.

meer suhail

ILM seeker
Asalam o Alykum

some video i think of revert

i came and looked around the site that day

then came back a year or so later and got registered , ever since im here when ever i get time



I found this amazing forum through searching in Google
I was a visitor for a while I used to come and read the post in here until one day I needed an answer to one of my questions so I registered with TTI and I am glad I did and here I am so addicted to it

Thank you brother Mabsoot and all the people working on this website May Allah SWT make it fee mizan hasanatikom Ameen



Junior Member
I got to know about TTI through sis Zainab, and really is like finding a lost family. Alhamdulillah we are learning every day


make dua 4 ma finals

:ma: it's such a GOOD question:)

Well, like many brothers and sisters I have seen videos from yourube and then I used to visit here as a GUEST but I have LOVED the POSTS and THREADS that I decided to JOIN. AlhamduliAllah I am GLAD I joined because walahi I have learned A LOT and I think because of this web MY faith is GROWING. SubhanaAllah Azeem, I thank the CREATORS of the web, My brothers and sisters who PARTICIPATE and share their KNOWLEDGE with us( May Allah increase it for all of us) and ofcourse Allah subhanahu wata'ala for enabling this GREAT community to COME together fot HIS sake:)

Allah hafiz NOW and ALWAYS:)


Smile for Allah
I searched on google about articles on hijab, and one article was a post here on TTI. Some weeks later I thought "What was that really good islamic forum?" And then I searched around and found it again. And then registered :)