here are some pic i drew


Junior Member
this first collection i drew in my baby sis room . it was fun and it was a year ago . i enjoyed drawing with my sister so i hope you enjoy them .


Subhana Allah!
Asalamu alaykum

:ma: they are so cute, you are very talented sister masha Allah. jazak Allahu khayra for sharing.:)



Salam Alikom, I'm just wondering not wanting to be rude but isn't it forbidden to draw such things? I mean thing having a soul


Pearl of Islaam

Assalamu Allaicomu dear sister

They are very cute Masahllah!!!.:hearts:

Thank you for sharing with us dear sister.

May Allah bless you




Sister, you are so sweet, so talented..........anything else which you have not told me yet?? :lol: :lol:

I am the worst drawer ever. My little brother draws better than me!!



알라후 아크바르-Allah Akbar
Salam Alekum
Mashallah very nice drawing.. ur talented sister :)
thanx 4 sharing it :)

ps: Sister do you knw that its forbidden in Islam draw something with soul.. U can draw anything except the soul.. :)


Ah! i liked those micky mouses. mashALLAH sister. Try to draw the sketches of non living things e.g. any natural land scape etc

3abdo rabih

New Member
Praise be to Allah, the best of creators, the lord of the worlds.

Drawing pictures is prohibited in Islam, because this is like duplicating the great creations of Allah. One of the name of Allah is Musaawir which means The giver of form, Shape, colour.

A human being who makes a sculpture, picture or a painting of someone is claiming for all practical purposes that he or she too can make the same form or image. Therefore it appears in the Sahih of Al-Bukhari and in other Hadith that on the day of Judgement, those who will make pictures will be told, ‘When you have tried to imitate us, make the imitation perfect too-if you have the power to do so. We did not simply make an image. We have invested it with a spirit too. If you claim to have created it then you better put a spirit inside the thing you have made.

Another reason for the prohibition of pictures is that the angels of Allah hate pictures and dogs, and surely they hate it only because Allah does. The angels are not like humans, they dont have their free will to think they think according to what Allah orders them. Praise be to Allah, He surely is the best of Creators. Angels do not enter a house with pictures or a dog so therefore the blessings bought down by the angels would decrease.

Another reason appearing in some Hadith that pictures are unnecessary embellishments of this world. Of course in our time, pictures yield many benefits but thousands of crimes including those that range between immodesty and *!*!*!*!ography, also breed and flourish from these very pictures. In short, it is not simply one reason alone that was made the basis for it’s prohibition, rather there is a host of reasons why the Shariah of Islam has declared it prohibited to make and use pictures of the living.

Surely Allah knows is the most merciful most gracious so do try not to draw pictures. Inshallah


Junior Member

only one word for those pics........ *CUTE*
looooooool haha
they made me smile :) :) :)
may Allah bless you. Amiin.



Junior Member

i really didnt know that wallahi . i feel like making a huge mistake but it wasnt on purpose .

i will ask Allah for forgivness . but now i have a problem which is that this first collection i drew on the wall so i dont know actually how to deal with this .

thank you for telling me this .

thank you friends for encourging me but i guess i need to change the way i draw .



Junior Member
thank you dear sisters for yor kind words

brother AlQurtubi the problem is my baby sister is so attached to these paintings and she wont be happy if i tried to remove it which makes my task isnt easy at all . so i think i will ask for more informatioms about this issue .

jazakom Allahu khyran kathiran .



Junior Member
sister, dont rremove them all at once . Clear them one by one while making your little sister busy in some other thing

brother i really cant do this i didnt remove anything . i pray that Allah may forgive me . i actually stopped drwaing is this enough without removing them ?

i cant do this while my sis is there :(



Travelling towards my grave.
brother i really cant do this i didnt remove anything . i pray that Allah may forgive me . i actually stopped drwaing is this enough without removing them ?

i cant do this while my sis is there :(


assalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh dear sister

Most of the times, things will not be easy for us Muslims in this place called Dunya. My sister it has no value in the Meezan of Allah (subuhaanahu wata'aala). Following Hadith says the Value of this world.

"If this dunya has the worth of even a mosquito's wing, Allah would not let the disbeliever have a sip of drink."
- hadith narrated by at-Tirmidhi

My sister we all are the slaves of Allah (subuhaanahu wata'aala). That means we MUST sacrifice ANY thing if He orders us. Nooh ('alaihissalam) left his son when Allah's command came. Ibrahim ('alaihissalam) did not pray for his beloved father when the order of Allah came, and did not step backward when Allah's command came to sacrifice his first born and blessed son Ismail ('alaihissalam). Allah (subuhaanahu wata'aala) commanded to the people of Banu-Israeel to kill themselves as a repentance for their huge sins.

Even if Allah (subuhaanahu wata'aala) ordered us to cut our necks, we have no choice if we want to be succeeded.

Dear sister this is a very very small one compared to the huge tests placed on the great Sahaba of Rasoolullah (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam).

I am sure you will not want to block Angels without entering the room of you. Also I am sure you will not want to pray in a place with pictures of living.

Sister you can try to convince your beloved sister with patience and kindness. InshaAllah she will accept your wise words. I know it will not be easy. I have faced these kind of problems too, and Alhamdhulillah my youngest brother will also not allow any body to keep even a photo frame in our house in a way that those who enter rooms can see. I know how much he refused when we tried to convince when he was 6 years. But finally he accepted in the morning of next day. MashaAllah.

The power is with Allah (subuhaanahu wata'aala) and we shall return to Him only.

Hope this gives you some courage my sister. Also please forgive if my wording seems offensive.

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

-brother IbnAdam-


Junior Member

woah..that is talent. not everybody can draw like that..mashaAllah. mickey doesnt have a soul though..heeheehee..tweety is cute.. take care