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  1. B-R-R

    Islamic History books, please!?

    Salam alaikum wa rahmatullah! I want to study the history of our religion.I am affected by the rumours, because I don't know the real facts. any reference to books?
  2. B-R-R

    Fajr Vs. Timechange

    Salam alaikum wa ra! I have this athan program, which has the correct times for the prayers. And the fajr prayer time changes bothers me. My sleep is messed up, I woke up 0400 this morning, and a month ago I had to pray Fajr at about 05:45. I wonder if I am the only one with messed up...
  3. B-R-R

    Will we enter Jennah? 1/73 sects?

    Salam alaikum wa rahmatullah!' What makes it certain that we are in the right path? What makes it certain that we are one of the 73 sects which will enter Jennah?
  4. B-R-R

    Women IN ISLAM!

    Salam alaikum wa rahmatulah! Many questions will be answered by Hamza Yusuf. He is very knowledge about Islam and women. Muslims as non-muslims needs to get this. part 1 of 5. Chech them out! enjoy
  5. B-R-R

    Do you want to learn the Quran?

    Salam alaikum wa rahmatullah! Well here we go, I was thinking of finding a group that would have regular weekly meetings were chapters and verses are discussed. Now, this can be a problem, if we are in different time frames, but even those problems can be solved, don't worry. So who are with...
  6. B-R-R

    Your Wuhdu is no longer counted?

    Salam alaikum wa rahmatullah! I get like thousands of questions about my deen, don't know where to start. I heard a statement that our wuhdu is set to zero if we touch the opposite sex. Am I the only one that's highly surprised. So if a girl just touches me on the shoulder, or any other...
  7. B-R-R

    People whom sport!!! Do you?

    Salam alaikum warahmatullah! Funny title, like an add. Anyway, I was thinking about starting to play any sport, or go to the gym. Because the only places I am at are School and at home, kind of boring and I hate my PC (procrastination-disease=) ). My question is: Is there any evidence (hadith)...
  8. B-R-R

    Let us prepare

    Salam alaikum wa rahmatullah! We need to be ready for discussions about Islam and Christianity. Here's a video that we all can watch and learn from. Your brother
  9. B-R-R

    Maybe they differ?

    Wa salam alaikum wa rahmatullah! I spoke with a shia friend for a minute about islam. I joked that I chose the shia way, then I said "sike" not really the sunni. Shias have another way of praying, but he told me it was the same, starting with bismilah rahmanir rahim then the alfatiha...then...
  10. B-R-R


    Salamu alaikum warahmatullah! Maybe a change is happening in our advantage, but not fast enough:( What can we do to stop this prejudice? This is happening to brothers and sisters in the west...
  11. B-R-R

    Fatima's what??????

    salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah! I'm a little confused about a medallion. A few months back, a teacher showed me this medallion which was supposed to represent Fatima's hand (it was bought in Egypt). She claimed that it was a muslim symbol, which I had never seen before. Now, I don't think Allah...
  12. B-R-R

    Surat 41:37 can't pray nafils????

    Salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah! I just read surat 41, and had problems with this part 41:37. I like to pray Nafils(extra prayers), when ever there's time to kill. But now this made me wonder, if I'm doing it all wrong by praying nafils when ever I like, even when the moon or the sun is up...
  13. B-R-R

    my medicin contains Alcohol?

    wa salam alaikum wa rahmatullah! I found out that my medicin contains alcohol, when I rubbed it in my muscles. IS this forbidden, if so (who said so?), if so, how will my muslcles ever recover? wa salam alaikum wa rahmatullah!
  14. B-R-R

    Help translate from Arabic to English!?

    Wa Salam alaikum wa rahmatullah! I listen to a tape about the al-fatiha, about non-arabic people not knowing what they say in their prayers, and I felt touched. He's right because I sometimes get distracted or just say them without understanding what I'm saying word for word. So I wonder if...
  15. B-R-R

    Do you pray for yourself or for Allah (Subhana wa ta'ala)!?

    A salam alaikum wa rahmatullah! I ponder, and wonder alot about who I pray for. The other day, my mum asked me, when one makes the intention of praying do one make the intension by saying: I pray eg. maghreb for your sake (Allahs sake), I pay zakat, fast for your sake Allah or say: I pray for...
  16. B-R-R

    pray while travelling!?

    Wa Salam alaikum wa ramatullah! I'm travelling by train tomorrow evening, and I'll be travelling about the whole isha prayer. I am wondering, How will I pray the isha? can I do it seated, in front of passangers? What is one to do when no privacy is available? Wa Salam alaikum wa ramatullah!
  17. B-R-R

    Booze problem over here!

    A'salam alaikum wa rahmatullah! I bought booze for more than $ 200 last summer. I want to get rid of all of it. But just poring it out seems too much, but again poring out booze for Allah, is maybe Fine(confused). I promised a friend some booze, so that'll have to do. But a friend of mine had...
  18. B-R-R

    ending the prayer with....!

    A'salam alaikum wa'ra. wa'ba.! I can't help but to ask, who do we say to: A'salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi in prayer? I think we are saying it to the prophet, but in that case why? Because, the prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) can not hear us, only Subhanna wa ta'ala. Anybody thought...
  19. B-R-R

    One dua please?!

    A'Salam alaikum wa'ra. wa'ba.! I usually don't ask for duas, only give, but this time, I wonder if any of you could do a dua to help me remember all the facts for the university exam in english tomorrow morning. I'm gonna pray 4 extra rakaat efter isha,I will succeed, insha Allah. A'Salam...
  20. B-R-R

    Music was my life!!! ur too?

    A'salam alaikum wa'ra. wa'ba.! Music, it's so beautiful isn't it? I think we can all agree that there is beautiful and annoying music. Listening to classical music used to be good for my concentration level.I used to make hip hop music, in Swedish, gotten better at it, because I worked hard...